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Well that depends on what you consider a "working relationship" to be. It most certainly won't be a love relationship as one of the people will always be wanting more. It might be able to become a friendship, but only if the person in Love realizes that a friendship is all they will get and decides that's enough for them. Also, has the person in Love told the other person of their feelings? In any kind of a relationship, communication is the key. No. Not in the long run. The one not in love will always be thinking that they could have more, and the one in love can always tell the other isnt, and will spend their time insecure about the realtionship, wondering if the other will leave them, or is cheating on them, or what they can do to make him/her love them more, and the behavior this causes makes things even worse. In the end, both will be unhappy.

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15y ago

well he or she will find out and it will end. hi

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Q: Can a relationship work if one person is in love and the other is not?
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you should just put yourself in their takes two to make a relationship work. And you should just imagine yourself in a relationship where the other person is in love with you , but you dont love them.... u just have to realize that it is possible to love more then once...and everyone you are going to date doesnt neccesarily have to be "the one"

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AnswerThis means a relationship cannot survive if only one person maintains the relationship such as communication, respect, love, etc. BOTH people in the relationship have to want it to work out or the relationship cannot survive.

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Answer If you're not happy in the relationship you need to question why and whether you should stay in the relationship or not. If you love the person and would like to work things out then you should talk to them in an attempt to make things better between you. If you are not in love with them there is really no reason to stay in the relationship.

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