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Q: Can a repo company come on your property through a locked 6 foot fence and get a car?
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Can a car be repossed from neighbers driveway?

YES. The repo company can take the car from anywhere they want with the exception of a boot on the vehicle and/or the vehicle is in a locked property such as behind a locked fence surrounding the property or locked inside of a garage. If you do not let the person onto your property with a locked fence surrounding this is a voilation of the law and ofcourse YOU can have them arrested on the spot.

Can your car be repossessed on private property?

Yes they can. The only exception to this - Is if your yard has a locked or closed fence. If your yard is secured by a fence the "repo" men/women cannot legally enter your yard.

Can a repo company come onto private property to obtain vehicle in the state of TN?

Yes as long as he does not go into a garage or cuts a lock to enter through a fence

Can a lien holder repossess a vehicle from a chained locked fence on private property?

I guess he would need to use a helicopter since he cannot breach the peace. Breaking the lock or fence would be disturbing the peace, I think.

If your fence falls onto neighbors property can you enter his property to repair it?

Yes, if you were negligent in the maintenance of the fence. Otherwise, the neighbor's company will pick up the tab. If it is a shared fence both companies will share equally in the cost to repair or replacement of the fence with a reduction of the deductible by 50% for each owner.

Can bicycles be chained to a lamppost?

It depends on local laws. In most cities, universities, etc. it is illegal to chain a bike to a handrail, tree, signpost, lamppost, telephone pole, fence, etc. that is on public property. In such a case, a bicycle is required to be locked to a bicycle rack. On private property, where bikes can and cannot be locked up is up to the property owner.

You bought property in Hopkins County KY and the neighbors fence is on your property Can you remove the fence?

You first have to prove this fence is in fact, on your land and not your neighbors. You do this by obtaining the survey that is filed along with your deed. And then, if there is further questions, you might have to hire a survey company to re survey your property, physically mark the property lines and then give notice to your neighbor that his fence is on your property, justified by a copy of the survey and give him a time frame in which to remove this fence. Then, if it is not done, remove it and sue for the amount it took to remove it. You should read the contract you signed when you purchased the property. Many contracts for the purchase of land will state if an existing fences is the property line regardless of what a survey shows.

The neighbor is putting up a jagged fence and the nice side is facing his property can he do this?

If your neighboring is putting up a jagged fence and the nice side is facing his property, he can do this if the fence lies on his property. The neighbor can put up the fence of his choice.

Is a fence real or personal property?

A fence is real property because it is permanently affixed to the land.

How far from my neighbors property line and from the road can i put a fence?

The fence cannot be outside your property line.

Can you screw things into your neighbors fence?

As long as the fence is on your property, no.

Can a neighbor refuse to allow their existing fence to be joined by a new one on the adjacent property?

Yes, they can refuse. The fence is their property, so you must have permission to join their fence to yours. If not, you can build to the edge of your property line, leaving a gap between the two. You can have your property surveyed to determine your exact property line, and if their fence is on the line you can connect at those points only. You can also make them remove the fence if it's on your property.