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Absolutely NOT! don't attempt this you can get in big trouble, it will stay on your record for a year.

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Q: Can a seventeen year old legally move out in Arkansas without parental permission?
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Can you legally move out if your parents house when your 17 in Iowa without parental consent?

Seventeen is not yet the age of adulthood in Iowa. You cannot move without parental permission.

Can a 16 year old move out without being legally emancipated in Arkansas?

No, they cannot do so legally, unless they have parental permission. Until they are 18 or married, the parents are responsible.

Can a 16 almost 17-year-old girl in Arkansas who is pregnant move in with her 18-year-old boyfriend and drop out of school without getting in any legal trouble?

No, Arkansas Compulsory Education Law requires the minor to remain in school until the age of seventeen; the minor must be seventeen by Oct 1st of the school year. Also the age of majority in Arkansas is 18, which would make it "illegal" for a minor to leave the family home w/o parental permission and adherence to Arkansas Juvenile Code guidelines.

Can a person move out at seventeen in Arizona if they have parental permission?

Yes, that should not be a problem with parental consent. However you will not be legally emancipated with full rights as an adult -- your parents will still have legal custody -- unless you go through that process with the courts.

Can seventeen yr old move out of fathers home legally in Florida?

Not unless the minor has parental permission to do so or has been emancipated in some manner such as marriage (requires parental consent) or court decree (which is RARELY granted). At 18, they can move out.

Can i at seventeen move out legally in Texas with out getting emancipated?

Technically, no, you cannot move out without parental permission. The key here is the age of majority (adulthood) in Texas, which is 18. If they are an adult, the parents are no longer responsible.

Can a 17-year-old leave home legally in the state of vermont without parental consent?

They cannot do so legally. Unless they have parental permission.

In The State Of Iowa Can I Being A Seventeen Year Old Mother Move Out Legally?

Only with parental consent.

Can a Washington seventeen and a half year old female move out legally?

Not without her parents permission.

What age can a child legally leave home in FL?

When they are 18 unless they have parental permission.

Can a 16 year old move out of her house without parental permission?

No, legally she cannot.

Can a 16 year old legally live by themselves in WA?

Not without parental permission.