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Q: Can a simple blood test to determine rh factor for a women give wrong result?
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What particles in blood determine the blood group of a person?

Antigens or RH factor

Can Huntingtons Disease be diagnosed after birth with a simple blood test?

Genetic testing can determine this (which is more involved than just a simple blood test).

How can doctors determine positive or negative blood types.?

Doctors can determine positive or negative blood types by administering a test. The difference between positive and negative types is the presence of the RH factor. Positive blood types indicate the presence of the RH factor while negative blood types do not have this factor.

What can cause red blood cells to be spiky?

Antigens, which are caused by the RH factor, that determine if you have negative or positive type blood.

How do you know you have Hepatitis B?

A simple blood test can determine whether or not you have hepatitis B.

What are the Chemicals used to determine human blood groups?

Antiserum A, Antiserum B, and Anti-Rh factor.

How do doctors determine your blood type as positive or negative?

A blood test will most likely be down to see if the individual has the Rh factor (D antigen) present in their blood.

Can a blood pregnancy test give a false positive result?

there is always an error factor but with a blood test you can be pretty sure its correct.

Can you tell by looking at someone what blood type they are?

You are not alone in not knowing what blood type you are. However, to the best of my knowledge, there is no way to determine what one's blood type is by visual examination alone. A simple blood test would be the best option when trying to determine your individual blood type.

How do I check what blood type I have?

You can determine your blood type easily by having a simple blood test done. You can have this test done at your local physician's office. Your blood will also be typed when you donate blood.

Blood types A B AB and O are the result of what inheritance?

it depends on what blood type that your parent has

What do Rh and blood types have to do with each other?

Rh is a blood group system used for blood transfusions. Many people have the Rh factor on the red blood cell's surface that determine who they can give and receive blood from.