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No. If she were hired she wouldn't be eligible any longer for unemployment.

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Q: Can a single mom still collect unemployment after being hired?
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Can you collect unemployment if you are homeless?

You need an address to get unemployment, so if you are homeless how can you provide an address?Unemployed means actively looking for a job but has not been hired. Homeless should not be able to collect unemployment unless if they are actively looking

If my boss cut my hours and hired someone to take them can I file for unemployment for the hours taken away from me.?

No, you cannot collect unemployment since you are still employed, even if you have lost work hours.

In New York State can you collect unemployment if you were hired to work 8 hours a day and get your hours cut back to 6 hours a day?

Were you fired? That's the only way to collect unemployment.

Can an employee hired for 10 months out of the year collect unemployment for the 2 non working months?

Yes. I used to do this when I was seasonally employed. Be aware that your employer will end up paying a higher rate towards unemployment insurance.

Can you collect unemployment if you leave because not able to perform all duties of job?

You usually cannot collect unemployment if you voluntarily leave a job, or if you are fired "for cause."If you were hired and then found out the job involved something you couldn't do even with "reasonable accomodation" or just didn't want to do and you quit, you probably won't be able to collect unemployment.But there's no reason you couldn't go to the unemployment office and talk to them anyway, there might be some kind of exception. For instance, if at the time you were hired the job didn't require you to lift 200 pound boxes and suddenly that was added to your job after you'd been doing it for a while, that might be considered "constructive dismissal" (basically, this usually means that your employer wants to get rid of you but doesn't want to have to pay unemployment, so they deliberately make your job miserable in hopes that you'll quit). You generally can collect unemployment in such a case, but the employer either doesn't understand the rules, or hopes that you don't, so that you won't bother to even apply and/or won't try to fight it if they deny unemployment.

How long would you have to work as a temp to quality for unemployment benefits?

Sorry, but you can only collect unemployment benefits if you was hired by a company full time and the company laid you off for no reason. Temps are people who only works at temp agencies or recruiters. They never worked at a company and was never on their payroll so how can they collect. Temps are on-call and only will call the worker if they have work which is occasionally so not qualified.

When do you stop claiming unemployment once you have been hired for a job?

It your new job pays less than the unemployment you will still be able to collect the difference. You have to eat trees first. If you start to eat trees then there can't be any more paper. No more paper means no more checks. Start chomping!

Can you collect unemployment if you got fired for walking off the job?

More specifically, if you were hired to do data entry in an office and your employer later decides they want you to travel and do field work, can you collect unemployment if you are fired for not willing to do so? This is all in the state of FL, by the way. Also consider that there was no mention of travel or field work in the job posting or during the interview process.

Can you collect unemployment if you were fired for a facial piercing?

First off it depends on what state you live in. Is your state an at-will employer? If so there is probably not much you can do. Also if your employer asked you to remove it or you were told they were not allowed when you were hired then there is nothing you can do. That is just a consequence of choosing a facial piercing.

If an employee is fired or quits a consulting firm because he or she is unwilling to travel can that employee still receive unemployment?

Generally, if a person quits a job, unemployment benefits are not available.Another answer:If the person was hired and told at that time that traveling was part of the job description, then refusal to so travel would disallow him from getting benefits. If, after being hired, new conditions were imposed, that was a substantial hardship to the employee, then the unemployment investigator might consider this as a justifiable reason for leaving.

Can you collect unemployment if your company is closing and you are pregnant?

Yes you can. I'd apply for it right away. When you call Unemployment ask them what the waiting time is and state you are pregnant. There is a limit as to how long you can collect unemployment ins.AnswerUsually to collect unemployment benefits, you must be able to work and actively seeking work. If pregnancy has not yet disabled you, you will qualify for unemployment if you are job hunting.

Do agency shop requires that an employee join the union shortly after being hired?

No. They do not require the employee to join the union after being hired.