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Yes - unless you have a particularily long lasting one they recommend to be changed within 5yrs. They "can" last up to 10yrs.

Check with your doctor.

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Q: Can an IUD fail after 13 years of working properly?
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Can the copper coil stop working after 5 years?

Yes, the copper IUD can stop working after 5 years if it is one of the brands that only lasts for 5 years. If you're unsure which type of IUD you've got (e.g. whether or not it is the 5 year copper IUD) you may want to consider getting a new IUD, next time maybe consider a 10 year IUD.

Why does an IUD fail?

if it has punctured the uterus wall, or if it has slipped out without you knowing.

What can happen if you got pregnant on the IUD but the IUD was in the cervix not the uterus?

If the IUD was in the cervix, it couldn't work properly. If you're pregnant, the IUD must be removed, regardless of whether you want to continue the pregnancy. Then you can choose to continue or terminate the pregnancy. If you choose to terminate, you can have another IUD inserted after the abortion.

How effective is an IUD after 10 years?

I am not a doctor nor even a women, however if the IUD is ten years old, do you really think it's worth taking the risk? I would urge you contact your physician or a certified health care practitioner. Viper1

What are the complications of misplaced IUD?

i have an iud for over 30 years i had an ultisound and they found it the string was not there

What is the consequence if the IUD doesnt come out in five years?

There are no health consequences to leaving the IUD in longer than five years, but a hormonal IUD may not be effective past its useful life span.

You have the IUD for 5 years you missed your period this month is that normal?

Missing a period once in five years is normal with or without the IUD.

How do you know when mirena IUD stops working?

Most women start menstruating within a couple weeks of the IUD removal.

Is there any danger i have my IUD 19 years now?

The only danger of an expired IUD is pregnancy.

Does the IUD really last the whole 5 years?

The Mirena IUD lasts five years, Paragard lasts 12, and Skyla lasts three years.

Can you get pregnant on IUD if you been on it for 3 years?

No. If the IUD is not expelled by chance, it will continue to give you protection by three years. I have seen the ladies, who have inserted the IUD and then forgotten about the same. This may be detected, may be after five years, when you ask a leading question to her.

How long can an IUD be left in without causing problems?

An IUD can be left in for years without causing problems. A hormonal IUD will lose effectiveness, though.