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Yes, if it's on going. In British Columbia, Canada when a person is off work for three days or more an employer can ask for a doctors note. It's best to get a doctors note if possible because the doctor will only tell the employer that you are being treated, but won't tell the employer what you are being treated for (patient/doctor confidentiality.)

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Q: Can an employer ask an employee about health concerns that makes them late to work?
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What makes interested to apply here?

When asked on a application why the potential employee is interested in working there, the employer is looking for clues on how long they would remain a employee. If a employee answers they needed a job they are not expected to last long, if they are generally interested in the work they may be a long time employee.

Who is responsible if an uninsured unlicensed employee driving a personal auto for company business has an accident?

Well as described, I would say everybody is irresponsible! Generally, an employee acting on the commands of his employer makes the employer liable for those actions - more likely "also" liable - so the employee may not be entirely in the clear, albeit less of an attractive target.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of payroll?

what are the advantages and disadvantages of payroll? Payroll makes things easy for both employer and employee. Specially it makes calculation much easier like tax, insurance and helps to plan for future costs.