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No. For a child to be born with AB blood, one parent would have to have A blood and the other B, or either can have AB and the other A or B.

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Q: Can an o plus mum have an ab- child?
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Can a child be o plus blood if the father is ab plus and the mother is o plus?


Can a person with AB- and a person with O plus have an O- child?

No, the parent with with AB- will contribute either A or B or both to the child.

Can an a- mom and an O plus father have an ab- child?


Is there any problem to child if mother is AB plus ve and father is O plus plus ve?

Not a problem concerning Haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN), the mum would have to be rh negative for that to be a potential issue.

Can an AB positive parent and B negative parent give birth to an O negative child?

No, the child will inherit either the A or the B blood type antigen from the mother, plus any blood type antigen the father might provide. This would mean the child can only be A, B, or AB (should the father provide the opposite blood type antigen that the mother provides).

Can O plus and AB plus parents have a B- child?

Yes, but with low percentage.

Can a AB negative and A plus mother have a O positive child?


Can a O plus mother and O plus father have AB minus daughter?

No. O is recessive to all other blood types. So if you're O you can't carry A or B. An AB child needs each parent to be carrying either A or B. Therefore two O parents cannot have an AB child.

If mother is type A plus and father is type A plus can daughter be type AB plus?

No, the child can be either A+ or O+...

Can a a plus father and a o plus mother produce a ab child?

No. it is not that possible. but hower it could happen

Can an O plus mother and AB negative father have a B positive child?


Can a mom with o plus have a child with AB blood?

yes! Yes, because both of the parents can put a B over into their baby's blood type. You don't mention it, but the father would either be a BB or BO. If he is BO, then their children could be AO(A) , BO(B), BB, AB...because they are taking one from each parent. If the father is BB, then their kids would be AB , or BB's (B)basically. They would all be positive blood type.