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Heavy bleeding and mentrual like cramping are signs of a miscarriage. one or both of these symptoms may be present.

I just got comfrimation today that i was having a miscarriage, i found out last week i was pregnant on Sunday that i was 4 weeks. This Sunday i was 5 weeks pregnant. I woke up Monday and felt like i had blood on my mini pad sure enough i went to the bathroom and there was blood and blood cloth the size of a plum or tangerine. i had no pain i was just scard i went to the doctors and they checked my cervix and tey said it was still closed and hd my usterus and it didn't hurt. So i was sent to a blood test that day to measure the preg hormone the result was 33 and then he told me to go back on wedsday(today) and the result was 8.0 so they told me i wasn't pregnant that i lost it. The bleeding was moderate no cramps but lots of mini cloths tissue like but not big like the one on monday..

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yes that's exactly what it is. the pregnancy hormone stays in your body for several weeks after a miscarriage.

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A pregnancy test can remain positive for 2 weeks after a miscarriage. Sometimes longer.

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Yes you can, I am and I'm 10 weeks.

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miscarriage is the lost of a pregnancy in the early stage, it is more common in the first 12 weeks

Can you avoid pregnancy after two weeks?

Either by having a natural miscarriage or an abortion.

Will a pregnancy test be positive the next day after a miscarriage?

Yes and it can be for several weeks.

Does a miscarriage take place after or before 20 weeks?

A miscarriage can take place at any time during a pregnancy. Miscarriages are most common during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (the first trimester). A woman may have to have a D and C after miscarrying. The later in the pregnancy a miscarriage occurs, the more complications could arise.

Can Regesterone be used to terminate a 4 weeks pregnancy?

No..Regesterone is given to women during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage.

What term means the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy 20 or more weeks after the pregnancy began?

If you lose a baby after 20 weeks of pregnancy, it's called a stillbirth. If you lose it in the first 20 weeks, it's miscarriage.

Does the body continue producing progesterone weeks after miscarriage?

The body needs a few weeks to catch up so the pregnancy test will show positive for awhile after the miscarriage or abortion.

Does a positive pregnancy test 2 weeks after a miscarriage mean a new pregnancy or just pregnancy hormones retained from last time?

Most likely the hormones haven't settled. You should wait 3 weeks until you have sex after a miscarriage though so if you had you could be pregnant again.