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A miscarriage can take place at any time during a pregnancy. Miscarriages are most common during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy (the first trimester). A woman may have to have a D and C after miscarrying. The later in the pregnancy a miscarriage occurs, the more complications could arise.

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Q: Does a miscarriage take place after or before 20 weeks?
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How long does it take for a uterus to heal after having a miscarriage at 24 weeks?

24 weeks is not a miscarriage but premature birth. The healing process is the same as after a full term birth, 6 weeks.

If i take ibuprofen at 22 weeks pregnant will it cause a miscarriage?

Take Tylenol instead

Im 9 weeks with severe cramping and clots with tissue like material sonograhm showed partial miscairrage how long will the pain and bleeding and bloating continue?

If it has not been determined that your miscarriage has already begun then it could be anywhere from 4-6weeks before the miscarriage begins. Usually once you start to bleed and pass tissue its only around 2 weeks from that point before a first trimester miscarriage is complete. From what you have described it sounds like you've already begun the actual miscarriage process. So take heart, it will be over soon. I'm sorry for your loss.

How long do it takes to have a miscarriage?

Yes it's called a missed abortion/miscarriage..It happened to me and the pregnancy had stopped growing at 5 weeks and here I am at 7.5 weeks..I end up having to take misoprostol to end it.

If you miscarried 6 weeks ago and still haven't started your period could you be pregnant?

No. It can take 8 or more weeks to get your period back after a miscarriage.

How many weeks after miscarriage can you still get a positive pregnancy test and bleed for?

Some say 5-6wks, but it is safe to wait 60 days before you take a pregnancy test and expect accuracy.

Should a woman take baths after a miscarriage or go swimming?

Not until she has healed inside which takes about 2 weeks.

Can you take something to induce a miscarriage if you are 5 weeks pregnant?

NO, Nature will takes it's place. If you do do things that could cause a miscarriage it sitll may not and the baby would then have a birth defect, learning defect of somesort. There are other options if you do not want to have a baby. There is always adoption, and worse case an abortion.

After 3 or 4 weeks you have a miscarriage and you take the medication misoprostol to pass the remaining tissue but nothing happened what is the next step?

GO TO YOUR DOCTOR!!! At 3-4 weeks you usually pass everything with a miscarriage so there is nothing more to pass after taking misoprostol.

If you miscarriage at 11 weeks do they take the baby out?

If the fetus doesn't come out by itself due to cramps, yes. They will scrape the uterus.

5 weeks after miscarriage at 15 weeks plus Pregnancy test?

Yes, it can take the hormones a couple of months to settle. unless you've had unprotected sex of course, then you could be pregnant.

Will your uterus return to its normal size after a miscarriage of six weeks?

Yes, it should do. At 6 weeks, it won't have got much bigger. I would expect it would take about 6 weeks for it to get back to its normal size again.