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Anyone can technically receive Communion, but that is not the way it is supposed to work. You have to be a Catholic first of all, and before anyone receives Communion they are supposed to ask for forgiveness of their sins from God. Catholics believe that you have to ask for forgiveness as well as perform an assigned penance from a priest. Not many Catholics follow this tradition however. Only Catholics in the state of grace - that is, free of mortal sin on their conscience - may receive Communion at a Catholic funeral. Often, as mentioned above, attendees of the funeral feel compelled to go to Communion as an expression of social solidarity, however, reception of the sacrament is not an essential part of participation in a funeral Mass and Communion should not be approached if one is a non-Catholic, or conscious of mortal sin upon one's own soul. To receive while in mortal sin is to commit a grave sacrilege. If one is Catholic and wishes to receive but thinks themselves in mortal sin, it is best to request the sacrament of Confession from a priest before the ceremony. It is highly encouraged to receive the Holy Eucharist, especially in order to offer it for the repose of the deceased.

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Q: Can anyone receive Communion at a Catholic funeral?
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Officially, if you are not confirmed a Roman Catholic then you are excluded from receiving communion (mass) in the Roman Catholic Church. However, the Church of England is very different. Most CofE clergy will allow anyone who normally takes communion in their own church (whatever denomination) to take communion in a Church of England if they are, say, visiting. Very few clergy these days only allow confirmed Anglicans to take communion, and these tend to be in the churches with a more Catholic tradition akin to the Roman Church. In some more progressive Anglican churches, clergy will allow anyone to take communion as long as they come in faith, whatever denomination and whether confirmed or not. As a confession (!!) I have myself, as a member of the Church of England, received communion in a Catholic Church without the priest knowing that I was not a Catholic, at one time even at a mass presided over by Pope John Paul II. No doubt, had he known, I may well have been refused. I regarded, and still do, the receipt of communion a matter that resides solely between myself and God and so it should not have any dependence upon a man-made Church rule but on God's loving grace and a personal faith.

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A n Anglican baptised in the traditional fashion and manner is already a Catholic. Every one if baptised with water in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost becomes a member of Christ and a son of God.If however, Catholic is a short cut for Roman Catholic, it is probable that the Roman Authorities will demand a,' conditional baptism', just in case!Roman Catholic AnswerAny Christian baptized "in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Ghost), using water, with the intention to do what the Church does (when baptizing, in other words "with the intention to baptize the person") is considered validly baptized. Anyone can administer this sacrament in an emergency - even a non-baptized person. Thus, Anglican baptism is exactly the same baptism anyone else would receive, and such a person can be confirmed in the Catholic Church after completing RCIA classes and making a profession of faith.