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== == If you hire on with a good company in/near a major city, you can make 45-60K a year. benefits? LOTS of driving,health ins.

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Q: Can anyone tell me what type of income and benefits are offered in the business?
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Redundancy insurance cover is an income protection policy that pays you monthly benefits if you are to become involuntarily unemployed. Redundancy cover is suitable for anyone between the ages of 18 and 64.

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The benefits of a home business internet marketing opportunity is that it can provide income, either on it's own or in addition to another job. It also allows one to work from their own home at their own hours.

Is health insurance benefits earned income?

No health insurance benefits would not be a part of your earned income.

What are the benefits of redundancy cover?

Redundancy insurance cover is an income protection policy that pays you monthly benefits if you are to become involuntarily unemployed. Redundancy cover is suitable for anyone between the ages of 18 and 64.

Why are contracts so important to business?

Contracts are important to a business to give stability, and some assurance of future income. This allows the business to continue development and improvement of the product and/or services that they offer, which in-turn benefits it's customers.