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Q: Can be defined as groups of persons who join together because they want to gain control of the government through wining elections?
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Why is inauguration 4 months after elections?

to allow time to put together an administration which can take control of the government the day of the inauguration

What are examples of how people control the government?

Protests, elections, and other political factors

According to democratic theory the primary means by which citizens control their government is by?

Voting in free elections

How long did the institutional revolutionary party stay in power for so long?

By gaining control of Mexico's government. Also by being corrupt and fixing elections after comming into power.

Where are non-partisan elections found?

In democratic government, they are not to be found, since the purpose of an election is to explicitly allow partisan contestation for control of the government.

What is a Group of people who control a country together?


A group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of public office is a?

political parties

Why government was made?

Because citizens were out of control.

Who became president of Germany after World War 1?

There was no official government of Germany when WWI ended because they had destroyed their economy and were in control of troops who "kept the peace" but after a series of elections Adolf Hitler became grand chancellor of Germany

Does congress have the power to conduct elections?

No, the control and monitoring of elections lies within the powers of the state, not the federal government. However, it does hold the power to either supplement current state legislation or to impose penalties of its own, independent of the state.

Why did the congress took away control of elections from the Mormon church?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) never controlled elections and does not hold elections of their own, so congress never could take away their control of elections.

Who control Suriname country?

Suriname is a republic,so the people control it by elections.