

Do betta like other fishes company?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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14y ago

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They can get depressed, but NOT lonely. Don't ever buy a 'friend' for your beta fish- they will fight until one dies! If your beta seems depressed, try putting something colorful near his tank, or get him a ping pong ball, etc.

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14y ago

Betta Fish do just find when housed with other non-aggressive fish. Do not house male Bettas together and do not house a male and female together. 2 females will do fine though but females cost more and you need to be 100% that they are female.

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11y ago

Beta fish by nature are a solitary fish. The males will fight to the death with males or females alike and will only tolerate a female if she is ready to breed. After the breeding if the female is not removed she will die.

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Betta fishes like any other fish can get stressed by movements. In fact one of the most stressful experiences for a fish is travel from the pet store to a new house. So, depending on the length of the travel, yes, you might be able to take your betta fish. If its a short travel, make sure you double bag and bag again with a bubble wrap and cover it with something dark (so the fish doesn't get stressed by the outside). I don't recommend taking the betta on long distance or on flights. Hope I answered your question. Source: Owner of betta fishes

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Do female betta fish like each other?

No, unless their lesbian.

What fish are like betta's?

There are over 20 members of the Betta family that I know of. They are all small fish and all have the same labyrinthine breathing system. None of them have the magnificent finnage of the common Betta splendens though. Other relations of the Betta are all of the other Anabantids including the Gouramies.

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You showed your betta fish a different fish that wasn't a betta and he like him Now he was chasing him every time he came by him you had to take the other fish out What is wrong?

Betta are social fish. There is nothing wrong.

How much does it take for a betta to accept another fish?

Bettas are dumb as rocks. If you put another betta, any other anabantid like a gourami, or any long-finned fish in with a betta, the betta will fight it because he will think it's another betta. If you put a short-finned fish in with your betta, they'll live together peacefully.