

Can betta fish tails shrink

Updated: 11/9/2022
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15y ago

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They shouldn't, this is not normal. It is due to either finrot or physical damage. Finrot is caused by a bacteria (usually) or sometimes a fungus. These pathogens are opportunistic, meaning they attack fish that are already stressed or weak. The most likely cause is bad water quality. Make sure your betta's aquarium is warm enough, large enough (at LEAST 1 gallon) and maintenance is done frequently, especially if it is not filtered. Melafix or a little salt in the water will help the fins heal. If your betta is with other fish, nipping could be the cause. Many fish will nibble a betta's tail. The most likely culprits are danios, tetras and barbs and bettas should never be kept with these fish. Ideally bettas should be kept alone or in tanks containing only bottom feeders. Remove the other fish (or remove the betta to a separate tank) and treat with melafix. The other possibility is that the betta chews his own fins. They frequently chew in transit due to stress, but sometimes they do it constantly for no obvious reason. It's more common in fish that are kept in cramped or otherwise unsuitable conditions when they are young. I have a pet store cup rescue over a year old. He is a veiltail, but his fins are as short as a plakat's. As soon as they grow long enough for him to reach he chews them off again. He is in a large tank with decorations. Sometimes there is nothing you can do for fish that are psychologically damaged by poor treatment - they are only fish and are not adapted to cope with this sort of stress. Known fin chewers should not be bred as there is some evidence that the tendency to chew is hereditary.

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Can betta fish shrink?

If you don't feed them enough.

How long is the average female Betta fish?

i dont exactly know. But females have short short tails.

What Medication for torn betta fish tails?

There are some. I believe your beta fish's tail is torn because of fin rot. There is a cure for that in pet stores.

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Usually, they won't have big beautiful tails. They have smaller bodies in general also.

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Well, if you love your Betta fish, then it should live by itself. But if you add another Betta to your current Betta fish's tank, then they will start a fight because Betta Fish are Siamese fighting fish and if one Betta is in contact of another Betta, the possible reason would be a fight between them two.

What is a normal fin for a betta fish?

Well there are lots of types of fins for betta fish. my betta fish has a long stringy tail and fins, but my female has short average fins. most have plain fins. mine is the only one i have seen in my area with a stringy tail. most fish have stringy tails if they are sick but not mine he was bred to be like that. depending on the fish and the area well there are lots of things that are considered normal for bettas.

What is a betta?

A betta is a fish of the species Betta, especially Betta splendens, commonly known as the Siamese fighting fish.

Can you put another fish with a male and female beta?

no because the male and femalebetas are the type of fish that live alone. therefor since their opposite sex then there is a chance of them being OK with each other, so if there is another fish with them then they will attack it and eventually killing each other.

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