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There are some. I believe your beta fish's tail is torn because of fin rot. There is a cure for that in pet stores.

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Q: What Medication for torn betta fish tails?
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If a Betta's tail is torn by another fish will it grow back?

Yes, but slowely.

Does a betta fish feel pain when its tail is torn?

Scientists actually are uncertain whether fish actually feel pain or not.

What are some signs that your betta fish has fin rot?

it's fins will look raggidy and look torn.

How do you know your betta fish is healthy?

The signs of a healthy Betta fish are bright colors, no torn fins, good appetite, very active and it occasionally sleeping. Signs of a un-healthy Betta are torn fins, loss of appetite, losing color,less active very sleepy, and sometimes white eyes. Things that cause this are disease from new fish or dirty tanks, crowded tanks, or other fish.

What creature eats Betta fish?

Betta fish eat bloodworms, brine shrimp, betta pellets/flakes(avalible at all pet stores)They can also eat little crumbs of bread(the bread will not give them all the vitamins that they need to carry on for the rest of the day) They can also eat anything that is for betta fish!If you are wondering how much and how many times to feed your lovable fish look on the back of the container of your fish's food! Have fun with your betta fish!!!In captivity, Bettas generally eat bloodworms or specially marketed pellets for Bettas.Fish food. (pellets mostly)A betta can eat anything that any other small tropical fish can eat. This includes fish flakes (such as Tetramin), bloodworms, and small pellet food. Bettas are prone to over-eating, and should only be fed what it can eat in about 1 minute, once or twice a day. That is usually about 4-5 flakes, or 2-3 pellets, or 2-3 large bloodworms.

What does it mean when your betta fish cant swim strait?

"TRY KNOCKING ON THE TANK IF IT DOES NOT MOVE THEN IT IS DIED OR SLEEP." This is extremely unlikely to be correct. The most probable cause is swim bladder disease which is a common problem in Betta fish. I suggest Googling this. There are a lot of great sites on there with instructions on how to treat this.

If a Betta fish's tail gets damaged will it die?

Nope...I touch my fish and he is still living! It also depends on the fish as to whether or not they will let you. I have my fish in my room, I see him every day, and talk to him. I knows me and trusts me and will actually come up if I put my finger in the water. On the other hand my bfs betta is in the dining room, and he is hardly ever home and never talks to it. It shunns away if you just put your finger on the glass near him! I recommend building the relationship of trust up first.

Betta fish had a hole on his fin when you got home from work you noticed a quarter of his fin was torn what can be the reason and any remedies?

Having sharp artificial plants and or ornaments are known to cause that.I would use stress coat and watch for disease unless it is a disease that i am unaware of.

Would and Angelfish fight with Guppies plus Black Widow Tetras plus Danios plus a honey Gourami plus a Platy plus 2 Balloon Mollies and a Betta fish?

Well, the guppies might nip the angelfish's fins, which, in return, would cause the angelfish to chase and possibly eat them. The angelfish would terrorize the danios and tetras by chasing them. Quick side note: if you are planning on keeping a platy, I really wouldn't keep one! They're quite social fish, and they like to be in small groups. Basically, the angelfish will chase any small fish. The biggest problem you will encounter with this aquarium setup is the fight between the angelfish and the betta. I know from experience-I kept an angelfish and a betta together in a tank myself, and the betta ended up dying. The angelfish will nip the betta's fins, and the betta will nip the angelfish's. They will chase each other and bite a lot. My betta had fin rot and died because the angelfish had caused the fin rot to grow due to the fact that she had torn off all of his fins. I would definitely rethink this aquarium setup.

Was Jesus stabed in the shoulder?

As far as I know , no. But he was beaten with a cat o' nine tails with barbed hooks on it, and His flesh was torn in many places.

What fish can live with a male betta fish?

Basically, stay away from fish that are significantly smaller than the betta as he may think "Yay! Dinner!", and avoid nipping fish, it's best to try some google links and also ask the retailers, they may not provide all the information you need, but they can provide enough that you can get to a good start. I find young cat fish about 2-4in long get along well, but beware that these fish grow large and will eat the betta once it's mouth is big enough that it'll fit. The Betta is actually a very good community fish (as long as the aquarium is large enough), and it will get along with most other species of fish. You just cannot put two Betta males together in the same tank. the only thing that really bugs a beta is other fish with big fins, it seem's that they have a complex they need to deal with. Tetras and small catfish like bristlenose and corydoras are good tank mates for fighting fish. also you cant put female betta but you have to check that they don't beat up one another

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