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it's fins will look raggidy and look torn.

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Q: What are some signs that your betta fish has fin rot?
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Related questions

Is the tail of your betta fish still called a fin?

Yes, it is called a fin.

What are fins on betta fish?

Your beata fish has a Dorsal Fin (the one on top), caudel fin (tail) Anal fin (the really big one underneath the fish that is more towards the back of the fish) Pectoral Fin (There are 2, one on both sides of the fish) Pelvic Fin (Also 2, the long skinney ones that hang down, located towards the front underneath the fish0

What Medication for torn betta fish tails?

There are some. I believe your beta fish's tail is torn because of fin rot. There is a cure for that in pet stores.

How do you make your betta not to hurt other fish?

By not adding other fish? You'll be surprised that in most cases its the betta who is the victim. Betta is such slow swimmer and they have large fin, which makes them perfect target for fin nippers. Although, you can add bottom feeders such as Corydoras catfish into the same tank as a betta, they do not occupy the same level.

Are Betta fish one color or multiple colors?

Betta fish are usually multiple colors like turquoise on the tail fin and blue on the body and purple on the top fin. They can be one color like red and light red and dark red.

Why does your pet betta have holes on its top fin?

why does my pet betta have holes on his top fin

Will a betta fish eat its own tail?

No, if your fish has ragged fins it likely has fin rot. Add some melafix to the water according to the dosing instructions on the bottle. And perform several small water changes. Bettas are very susceptible to fin rot.

What is the name of the fin behind the dorsal fin?

On a dolphin and most fish the fin behind the dorsal fin is the tail fin. Some fish, such as knife fish, have no dorsal fin or tail fin. Dolphins of course are mammals, not fish.

Are Neon Tetra fish fin nippers?

They are considered fin nippers. However, they are compatible fish for bettas. They are schooling fish so I would at least get 4 or more. When purchasing the fish ask the seller/retailer about their return policy; you may be able to return them without penalty if they pester your betta, or the possibility your betta ends up being to aggressive for tank mates. Good luck!

Fighter fish live with other fish?

Siamese fighters (Betta splendens) do well in community tanks provided the other fish are peacefull and don't fin nip.

Can Betta fish co exist with other fish?

It is a misconception that betta fish do not get along with other fish. While intolerant to their own species, bettas can get along with other fish so long as they are not easy to mistake for another male betta - such as fancy guppies - or fin-nipping fish like many tetras that often go for long-finned fish. Female bettas can be housed with guppies, however.

Will bettafix treatment cure betta fish fin rot?

Yes, bettafix can fix fin rot if the fin rot is not serious. If there is 1/2 of the original fin still left the I recommend bettafix as it is made of organic material and is very effective.