

Will a betta fish eat its own tail?

Updated: 11/9/2022
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12y ago

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No, if your fish has ragged fins it likely has fin rot. Add some melafix to the water according to the dosing instructions on the bottle. And perform several small water changes. Bettas are very susceptible to fin rot.

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Q: Will a betta fish eat its own tail?
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Which sex is your betta fish?

I own both male and female.

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Can you put a lizard with a male betta fish?

NO!!! Lizards should only be kept with other lizards of their own species. Some kinds of lizards are fine by themselves. Waste from the lizard is poisonous to fish. Also, Lizards do not need a lot of water, where would the fish go? Lizards don't swim. The lizard would eat the fish. Male betta fish are best housed by themselves, or in a 10 gallon or bigger tank with neon tetras, or other gentle community fish. Also, never house a male betta with another male betta, or a female betta. They will fight until their death. Females can be kept together. Three do fine in a ten gallon tank. NEVER put bettas with fish that have long flowing or colorful fins, the betta will mistake it for another betta and kill it.

Can Betta fish co exist with other fish?

It is a misconception that betta fish do not get along with other fish. While intolerant to their own species, bettas can get along with other fish so long as they are not easy to mistake for another male betta - such as fancy guppies - or fin-nipping fish like many tetras that often go for long-finned fish. Female bettas can be housed with guppies, however.

What is the best home for a betta fish?

well you first need at least a one gallon fish bowl and fish gravel and plants and stuff for them to hide in. fish food, and give them every once in a wile betta fish treats for fat.

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no they dont make their own food

How can you tell if your Betta fish is a male fish or a female fish?

The male Betta splendens is a larger more colourful fish with much larger showier fins than the female. He will also flare up almost immediately when he sees his own image in a mirror. The females do not do this so readily.

Do male Japanese fighting fish have babies on their own?

No they can not. Some people call a Betta splendens a Betta or a Siamese fighter or a Japanese Fighting Fish. They are all refering to the same species of fish. They come in both males and females and both are needed to produce any young.

Do fish eat other fishs newborns?

Many fish eat their own newborns.

What to feed a betta fish?

specific betta flakes pellets brine shrimp their own eggs== lol if they breed blood worms== what i feed mine. and now it jumps at my finger and bites at it.

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