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Yes, I believe it can. I have not had implantation but 2 friends have (1 had it 3 times)


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Q: Can brown discharge for 3 days be implantation spotting?
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Are you pregnant if you have brown spotting and your period is 12 days late?

You very well might be. The brown spotting is most likely to be implantation bleeding which is very common.

Will you have brown discharge for days if you have implantation bleeding?

Yes, it very well can be implantation bleeding, it is usually lighter than a period.

How can you tell the difference between spotting after implantation and a cyst rupturing?

Implantation is usually light and lasts a few hours to a 3-4 days. It is also spotting of a pinkish discharge. Cyst rupturing can only be diagnosed by a doctor.

Can brown spotting be a sign of pregnancy?

It can be a pregnancy symptom, but just because you have brown spotting it doesn't necessarily mean you're pregnant. Spotting can occur during implantation (where the fertilised egg attaches into the womb lining) Implantation generally occurs around 10 days after sex.

How many days does implantation bleeding last?

Implantation bleeding is usually a little bit of spotting over 1 or 2 days, nothing like a period. Answer 1-3 days its just a little bit of blood you can get it in discharge as well. It can be brown/pink/red it can be stringy/thick mine was stringy pink blood in discharge which just happened once in a day. From Pink Princess

Can you have cramps and bleeding during implantation?

Hi, Yes you can. Implantation cramping is very common and usually feels like period cramping. Implantation bleeding (IB) occurs 8-12 days after unprotected sex and not every woman experiences IB. Signs of IB are: * Light bleeding that lasts a few hours to 2-3 days. * Pinkish/brownish or reddish vaginal discharge. * Spotting of blood. * Spotting of blood that does not require a pad or tampon. * Spotting that is pinkish in colour. * Spotting that is brown in colour. * Light bleeding that is either pink or brown in colour and sometimes red.

Is it possible to be spotting brown or bright red 5-6 days after conception?

yes its possible to have a pinkish or brownish spotting for a couple of hours to days around that time after conception,this is the implantation bleed

Can implantation bleeding be more than just spotting and how many days can it last?

Answer Hi it can last from 1-3 days it can be spotting or a bit of blood in discharge. The colour it can be is pink/red/brown. 1 in 3 women get it. Its nothing like a period much much much lighter XxPink PrincessxX Hope I help

Brown spotting and 16 days away from period?

its probaly discharge make sure you use pads

What about implantation bleeding?

Hello. Implantation bleeding is not experienced by all women. It is not as common as many would think. Here is the facts about Implantation bleeding. * Implantation bleeding occurs 6-14 days after conception has taken place. * Implantation bleeding feels like period cramping when its experienced along with the bleeding. * Implantation bleeding is light bleeding, spotting of blood in underwear, streaks of blood on tissue paper or a blood coloured discharge in your underwear. * Implantation bleeding lasts for a few hours to 2/3 days. It rarely lasts over 4 days. * Implantation bleeding can also be spotting of brown blood which is known as old blood. I hope the above has helped you. Please recommend me if I have helped you. Good luck.

If a pregnancy test was positive could your 10-day spotting of brownish pink and light red still be implantation bleeding?

im in the same situation and just as confused. Ive been asking around for the same answer. What the overall consensus seems to be is that you can be spotting even after a positive test. It sounds like the spotting should be brown discharge and not heavy bleeding. Some sites even say that you can still have implantation bleeding 14 days into your pregnancy.

Can implantation bleeding from pregnancy last four days?

Yes it can, but only slight brown spotting. everyone's different mine was pink blood but some people think every one Implantation blood has to be the same as there's which annoys me from the person at the top. Implantation bleeding can last few days I did some research it said 1-3 days but maybe 4 for you ok Hope I help by the way everyone's Implantation bleeding is different some are brown/pink/red or thick/stringy even some can be spotting or blood in discharge so just ignore those people who say what there's look like every women is different ok Pink Princess