

Can cats see in pitch black?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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14y ago

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YES and NO.While cats cannot see in total darkness, they are able to see much better than humans in instances of reduced light.

The structure of the cat's eye permits superb vision in semi-darkness, but again, no animal is able to see in complete darkness because light is a necessary component of vision.

This article, written by veterinarians Drs. Foster and Smith, was the source for my answer and offers an excellent explanation:

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15y ago

No, a cat can se in the dark only because there are mirror sort of things behind their eyes that reflect any light shone on them. That is why cats' eyes glow in the dark. It is the same thing for dogs. The "mirror" thing in the animals eye you are referring to is called: Tapetum: any of various membranous layers or areas especially of the choroid and retina of the eye But more fomally known as: Tapetum Lucidum: a layer in the choroid chiefly of nocturnal mammals that reflects light causing the eyes to glow when light strikes them at night and that is made up of several layers of flattened cells covered by a zone of doubly refracting crystals

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13y ago

they can see better than humans in near dark conditions but not as well as most people think. A cat uses it's most developed senses of hearing and smell to assist with their sight in near darkness.

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13y ago

Yes, they do. cat's eyes are made to let the slightest of lights fill there surrounding. if there is no light, cats use there whiskers

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15y ago

they can't see in total darkness but when it is fairly dark they can see pretty well. the need 1/6 of the light we do to be able to see

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14y ago

yes the very great seeing there eyes are meant for the dark

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ya cats have built-in night vision =^.^=

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Their eyes absorb the light

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Q: Can cats see in pitch black?
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Cats can see in colour. yes they can so can dogs

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Emphatically yes.

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