

Can chlorine eat your liner

Updated: 9/11/2023
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16y ago

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Chlorine can certainly make your liner very brittle.

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Q: Can chlorine eat your liner
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Will a chlorine burn on the pool liner cause the liner to crack?

High concentrations of chlorine can and will destroy a vinyl liner.

Will the chlorine tablet you dropped into the pool not the filter canister put a hole in your liner?

Chemicals, especially chlorine, should not be allowed to sit on a pool's liner for any period of time. This will cause bleaching and could damage your liner.

How can you tell if your pool liner has chlorine damage?

It turns white and brittle.

What makes a pool liner brittle?

The sun and the chlorine are the worst things for a liner but there is not much you can do about that try dissolving the chlorine in a bucket of water before adding to pool it does help some but as i said there is not much to stop it.

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How do you get rid of gritty particles on pool liner walls?

by scrubbing it wit chlorine and hot water and scrub brush..

Can bugs eat the liner of an in ground pool The styroform backing of the liner is being eaten by bugs. What kind of bugs are they and how do I get rid of them?

they are typically pavment ants, chaffer beetles or termites. The beetles don't actually eat the liner they scrape it.

How long can above ground swimming pool remain drained?

Typically just a couple days to maybe a couple of weeks if its already been filled and had chlorine in it. The chlorine will make the vinyl liner dry out and not let it stretch when refilling it... and its very important for it to be able to stretch cause it will bust if it cant. If your looking for a new liner... expect $600- $1000 for a quality liner and maybe another $600 to have it professionally installed.

Would you eat chlorine?

No. For one thing chlorine in its elemental form is a gas and so can't be eaten. Second, it is highly toxic. However, you eat chlorine every day, every time you consume ordinary salt. Salt is a chemical combination of sodium and chlorine: sodium chloride.

What is the best shower curtain liner?

A shower curtain liner made of vinyl or nylon and that is machine washable and bleach tolerant is the best choice. Ecopreme is a new chlorine free, environmentally friendly shower curtain. The best selection I have seen is at

Is there any cause for concern if the chlorine level of your pool is 3 or higher?

No. You can go to 10.0. Now if you have a vinyl liner that chlor level might have to be lower. k

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