

Can you eat chlorine

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Can you eat chlorine
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Can chlorine eat your liner?

Chlorine can certainly make your liner very brittle.

Would you eat chlorine?

No. For one thing chlorine in its elemental form is a gas and so can't be eaten. Second, it is highly toxic. However, you eat chlorine every day, every time you consume ordinary salt. Salt is a chemical combination of sodium and chlorine: sodium chloride.

Can you eat chlorine gas?

You can neither eat Gas nor drink it, you can only breathe gas in.And as for Chlorine gas, it is an extremely poisonous gas and should be handled with caution when around it.

Why are we able to eat sodium and chlorine is a compound?

Because the compound is harmless.

How is it possible that you can eat sodium and chlorine in a compound together when they are dangerous elements apart?

It is possible because sodium and chlorine put together is a harmless compound. If you were to put chlorine and bleach together, that would be a different story.

Is chlorine harmless?

it is used as disinfectant i think it should be harmless but don't try to eat it!

Why will you not become sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chlorine is poisonous?

because when sodium combines with chlorine, the properties change.

The salt we eat is a compound of sodium and chlorine what the word equation for this reaction?

sodium+chloride-> salt

Why will you not get sick if you eat sodium chloride even though chlorine is poisonous?

Because it is table salt

What element's atomic mass is 35.453?

Chlorine has an atomic mass of 35.453.

What happens to the chlorine in salt that you eat?

The formula for salt is NaCl, and chlorine is not harmful to us in ion form, if it was gas it would be a different story. Plus there is only a tiny amount.

Why don't some people eat salt?

Salt is put in some pools in order for the water to interact with a chlorine generator. a salt water pool produces chlorine automatically while it is running