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Q: Can cutting your finger give you a blood clot?
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Can an AB- person give blood to a B- person?

No, because their A antigen will be attacked causing the donated blood to clot.

Is it normal to have a blood clot the size of your palm?

It depends on where it came from and why. The only person who can give you a conclusive answer is your doctor.

Does having food on your finger affect your blood glucose?

Yes it will affect the reading you get (not your actual blood glucose). If you have food (especially sugary food) on your finger where you take the drop of blood from, then the sugar from the food will mix with the blood and give a false reading. This is why it is important to wash the finger before testing blood glucose.

Can give blood if i am on blood thinner?

People on blood thinner such as coumadin are not eligible to donate blood. The blood thinner inhibits the bloods ability to clot and may be dangerous to the recipient of the blood transfusion, especially during surgery.

Will the blood clot before you die when you slit your wrist?

It depends on if your blood can clot and how deep the cut is. I cannot give you a definite answer or assurance that your blood will clot at all. If you have thoughts about self harm, please talk to someone - a teacher, a parent, a friend, an online supportive community, a relative, a counselor, a therapist. The U.S. help line is 1-800-273-8255. You don't have to be alone.

Can a blood clot go from your lung to your brain?

This practically never happens in clinical practice. You get blood clots from deep veins of the legs. Usually the patient is bed ridden and blood get clotted there. when the clot get dislodged from there, it reaches the lungs to give you pulmonary embolism. That may be a very serious life threatening condition.

A blood clot may stop an organ working properly give one reason for this?

It may prevent blood from flowing throughout the affected organ - reducing efficiency, or stopping it from working.

How are anticoagulants used to treat heart disease?

They are also called blood thinners. But that may give the wrong impression because the blood does not actually become thinner in viscosity; it just has less of a tendency to clot.

Does birth control cause blood clots?

The patch is the one that is most likely to give you a blood clot because people like to mess with it. Which irritates it, causing the patch to release more hormones then needed.

If blood clotting stops in girl body it would be harmful?

Yes it would The ability for the blood to clot is extremely important to the maintainance of the body Heamphilia is the disease where the blood doesnt clott Girls carry it and can give it to their male ofspring.however only men get it.

What symptoms to blood clots in the legs give?

There are several different symptoms you can experience if you have a blood clot in your leg. Some of these include swelling, pain, warmth and redness, and the leg may turn pale or even blue in color.