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some deer live in tropical like philippine mouse deer and some deer are live in snow

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Q: Can deer live in snow like reindeer?
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Do reindeer like the snow?

yes, caribou love snow

What people drink reindeer milk?

Water, sometimes they have to eat snow.

Do reindeer eat hay?

No. They usually are vegetarians and eat things like moss buried in the snow, since they live in cold, tundra areas.

What helps the reindeer travel over the snow?

Reindeer, like most ungulates, have their muscles bunched up at the top of their legs. This allows them to run quickly over snow. Also, during the winter, a reindeer's hooves tighten so as to expose the rim. This allows the hoof to cut into snow and ice to make a better and sturdier grip.

What kinds of animals live in China?

Six of the larger animals that live in China are: Snow Leopard's, Elephants, Wild Yaks, Reindeer, Moose, and the Giant Panda.

Can reindeer have hooves that spread out like snowshoes?

Reindeer have cloven hooves (split into two toes) that spread slightly apart to help them cross deep snow and soft ground.

Facts about a deer?

They live in meadows grasslands and forests. They also sleep in a cave with snow covering them.nvhjfguuty

What do snow leopard mostly eat?

small rodents and mammals like deer and elk.

What do reindeer broad hooves do?

spread weight on snow

What eats snow wolfs?

Snow wolves are carnivores and eat meat like all other wolves. They eat smaller snow animals such a rabbits and arctic deer.

Why are reindeer so good at traveling through snow?

Reindeer are good at traveling through the snow because they have long legs and good hooves with pads for traveling in the snowy weather.

Do all huskies like the snow?

yes because another name for huskies are snow dogs they were built for the snow so yes