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Yes, it can. That's why you have to eat healthy, exercise, and stay fit. Always make sure you're drinking plenty of water or you could experience stroke like symptoms.

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Q: Can dehydration cause stroke like symptoms?
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What causes a lovebird to have stroke like symptoms?

Lovebirds have nervous systems just like people do. It's possible for a bird to have a stroke or a brain tumor, which can cause neurological symptoms. Being sick can also cause a bird to act strangely. Only your veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis.

What causes stroke like symptoms with left side head pain?

Migraine with aura can cause stroke like symptoms. So can stroke, aneurism and several other problems. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache, see a physician or headache specialist. If this is an emergency, see your local emergency room asap.

What are common stroke like symptoms?

Stroke like symptoms include a numb feeling down the side of the body and face and slurred speech. A person with stroke like symptoms would be unable to smile normally, or to raise both of the arms evenly above their head.

What are muscle spasms dry eyes and headaches symptoms of?

I'm not a doctor but it sounds like dehydration.

Can prinzmetals angina also cause seizure or stroke like symptoms?

Yes. There is a marked connection between prinzmetals and seizures. Although the condition is chronic it can be treated with medications.

What is pathophysiology of dehydration?

What occurs to the body with dehydration can start off with signs like dry mouth and thirst. A severe case of dehydration can bring on symptoms like no urine output, low blood pressure, delirium, rapid heartbeat, and unconsciousness.

Hello, Lori. Heat st?

Hello, Lori. Heat stroke, sometimes referred to as sun stroke, is the most severe in the spectrum of heat-related syndromes (the less severe conditions are heat cramps and heat exhaustion) and results from excessive heat exposure and dehydration. More minor syndromes associated with heat illnesses include nausea or vomiting, dizziness, weakness and cramps. Heat stroke is accompanied by neurologic dysfunction including confusion or disorientation, possible seizure, extremely high temperature, elevated pulse and difficulty breathing. The symptoms you describe don't sound like heat stroke. Do you have a rash at all? Your symptoms may be related to shingles, which is a reactivation of the virus that causes chicken pox. It can cause a rash localized on one side of the body (usually in a strip-like distribution) and quite severe pain.

What causes dehydration like Lack of Vitamin C or Lack of fluid in body or Not enough dairy products?

Go with answer B. Lack of fluid in the body will cause dehydration.

Can a Staph infection cause flu like symptoms?

Yes it does.

Can a brain get dehydrated?

Signs of dehydration are noticed before brain dehydration signs. If the symptoms of dehydration are noticed before the brain suffers from dehydration, you will not experience detrimental effects on the brain. Common dehydration symptoms include a dry or sticky mouth, little or no urine released, no tears being produced, eyes sunken in their sockets, lethargy and, in severe cases of dehydration, coma. One physical sign of dehydration can indicate that dehydration is beginning to affect the brain: you will exhibit a soft spot on the top of your head, like an infant has. This condition is known as sunken fontanels.Mental EffectsUntreatedWhen dehydration affects the brain, mental ability will be affected immensely. Besides the symptom of physical lethargy, you will also have mental fatigue. As the brain dehydration continues, you will begin to have some memory problems and experience confusion.When left untreated, brain dehydration can have serious effects. Due to the deterioration of brain cells from lack of water, brain dehydration can lead to seizures and permanent brain damage, which can impair your physical and mental abilities.Found this answer through search Signs and symptoms of brain dehydration.

What are long-term vomiting and diarrhea symptoms of?

a food intolerance like celiac disease can cause these symptoms.

What causes symptoms like a cold?

Usually viruses cause cold-like symptoms, such as the viruses that cause the common cold and the flu, but, other diseases and disorders can also include similar symptoms and so can toxic effects from chemicals and drugs.