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Perms damage your hair which eventually thins it out, just like straightening it or blowdrying it too much can. Although, hairspray should not thin your hair.

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Q: Can hairspray and perms cause thinning hair?
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Can hair perms cause cancer?

No, hair perms can not cause cancer.

Can Oxycontin be the cause of thinning hair?

Thinning hair is not a listed side effect of Oxycontin.

How does chemistry apply to hairdressing?

Hair dyes are chemicals. So are the substances used to give perms and to straighten hair.

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A lot of them. Certainly hairspray and the chemicals used for hair dying, perms, straighteners, etc.

What is in a hair perms?

In hair perms there are chemicals that damage it and those chemicals can even change your hair color and leave a ugly result.those are the stuff that is in hair perms.

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Does aspartame cause hair loss or thinning?

There is no evidence of a link.

Does hairspary cause gray hair?

It is not proven that it is not true but it is proven that hairspray is not good for your hair!

Could continuous use of hair spray cause thinning hair?

The continuous use of hair spray could lead to hair thinning. Hair spray weighs down the hair and adds chemicals to the strands.

What do perms do to hairs?

Perms curl your hair and a relaxer straightens your hair. Many people confuse the two.

What causes hair thinning in women?

Hair thinning, or hair loss, in women is caused by several factors. It may be due to stress, hormonal changes, radiation, chemotherapy, hair products, and even heredity. Besides, some medical conditions such as Alopecia Areata can also cause hair loss.

Do weaves grow black hair?

Yes. But weaving alot may cause thinning hair..