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Having a miscarriage will not cause endometriosis. However, women diagnosed with endometriosis have been found to have a higher rate of miscarriage than others. Endometriosis is a leading cause of infertility. Please know that many women with endo do have healthy babies. (I am one of them!)

Please join the Endometriosis Association at and check out the book, Endometriosis, by Mary Lou Ballweg.

Good luck!

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12y ago

Yes , endometristis can cause endometriosis .

Based on the research, endometritis infection can be found in the menstrual period, abortion and post partum. For example, sexual intercourse in the menstrual period and long term endometrorrhagia would cause endometritis; incomplete abortion and remaining of placenta and caul would cause endometritis.

If the endometritis suffers do not cure it , they will meet more gyne problems , such as endometriosis , PID , cervictis and so on .

Actually, on one hand, the symptoms of acute endometritis include quick pathological changes, bloody leucorrhea or stink, inexhaustible lochia. On the other hand, the main symptom of chronic endometritis include increasing of leucorrhea, if patient is old, he or she will have symptoms of limpid leucorrhea and bloody leucorrhea.

"Fuyan Pill" can cure endometritis. The characteristics of "Fuyan Pill" are the powerful germicidal ability and capacity of clearing away heat and toxic material. Actually, "Fuyan Pill" can kill different kinds of bacteria, viruses and pathogens, then can achieve curative effects of clearing away heat and toxic material, purging intense heat, killing bacteria and diminishing inflammation drastically. Finally, endometritis can be cured.

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