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Q: Can hermit crab live in a 1 gallon?
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How do you make your hermit crab stronger?

It has to have 70-80 F and humidity to live, if you can 1 other hermit crab, distilled water, SEA salt water, 1 gallon of space per hermit crab, and food of course! They are scavengers and will eat anything like fruits and veggies. change food and waters daily / nightly

How long does a green hermit crab live?

1 year

How can you be a good hermit crab owner?

I LOVE that question! hermit crabs have been abused for years! hermit crabs are tropical animals. thay need 1 gallon of space per hermit crab, they also need love and attention they have personalities too.

How much does a Strawberry land hermit crab weigh?

The actual weight for a strawberry hermit crab if you are holding 1 in your hand in it is about 3 or 4 ounces. The shipping weight for a strawberry hermit crab is 1 pound.

What is the weight of a hermit crab?

1-3 ounces

Is the shell of the hermit crab a habtat?

Kinda, it is part of it's habitat, they live in the Caribbean so they need to live in a place to climb, a little sand between 70 and 80 F for temp and 70 - 80 % humidity. They also need SEA salt water table salt will blister gills they need this to bath in to heal. And DISTILLED water chlorene will blister and sofacate the hermit crab. They also live in groups so buy at least 2. 1 gallon OS space per SMALL hermit crab. they also eat fruits and veggies so change food daily or it will atract bugs.

What is the weight of a baby hermit crab?

1-3 ounces

How long is a hermit crab?

Hermit crabs can get up to 1 or 2cm . - Taylor Musgrave ; Myspace mee (:

How many years can a hermit crab live for alone in captivity?

By itself maybe 1 year. But with friends they can live up to 15 years but there was one woman who raised her hermit crabs for over 30 years

What size of tank should a large hermit crab have?

2-3 small hermies should go in a ten gallon tank but you should at least have a ten gallon tank for 1 hermie, you should think about getting some friends for it too.

How many hermit crabs is good to have in a 10 gallon tank?

It depends upon the size of the hermit crab. You can fit 5-7 small crabs in a 10 gallon tank but only 1 or 2 large crabs. The more room you leave for your crabs the happier and healthier they will be. be careful not to overcrowd your tank, cos the hermits can get stressed, and may leave their shell or crawl into a corner and sulk :) But probably two or three would be enough room

What size tank do you need for a hermit crab?

Depending on how many hermit crabs you have and how big they are, get a tank that fits the following:A hide out big enough for all your crabs to sleep in (with some extra room)Food & water dishes (2-3 dishes total)Hermit crab snacks (found in pet stores, only buy snacks made for hermit crabs)Toys! (such as climbing logs or hollowed out coconut shells. found in pet stores in the hermit crab or lizard section)Extra shells, bigger than the ones your crabs already have (found in pet stores)Plus extra room for your crabs to run around and play.