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Children may choke or clog the arteries so if you or a child swallowed one i would go to a doctor immediately

Lukemeish's side note I've eaten them before in small quantity's and I turned out OK !

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Q: Can humans get sick from eating oak tree acorns?
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Related questions

What tree has acorns?

Acorns are the fruit of the oak tree.

What animal can jump from tree to tree collecting acorns and cach to store for the winter?

Squirrels can jump from tree to tree and collect acorns for the winter.

How many acorns does a oak tree produce each year?

Acorns are the fru it of an oak tree. The number of acorns depends on several factors. The number of flowers the tree produces, the number of flowers that are pollinated, the health of the tree, and the age of the tree would all have an affect on the number of acorns produced.

How do acorns develop?

If conditions are good,it becomes a tree. An acorn is a seed.

Are acorns and chestnuts the same?

No. Acorns are the seeds from an oak tree. Chestnuts refer to either the tree itself, or seeds from the chestnut tree.

What is a large tree that bears acorns?

The Oak tree.

Can you eat South Florida oak tree acorns?

Yes the acorns are edible.

Does a oak tree have acorns?


What kind of nut grows on a oak tree?

Acorns grow on oak trees.

How do you get a dog to STOP eating acorns?

When dogs ingest acorns, they typically have mild to moderate gastrointestinal upset including vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal comfort. There's also the possibility of obstruction, if there happens to be a large amount of acorn lodged in the GI tract. It's probably best to try and keep your dog from eating them.

Can you eat the nut of a oak tree?

The nut, or fruit. of the oak tree is the acorn.

What are the seed pods on an oak tree called?

Oak tree seed pods are called Acorns.