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i do not know the answer to this question as i am looking for the same thing. my skin is always flawless and everytime i start using hydroxy cut i break out within 1 day and it gets worse and worse i want to know what ingredients make this happen..maybe too much caffine? it definaly is different from person to person so its hard to say

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Q: Can hydroxycut have any effect on acne positive or negative?
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Papaya is most effective fruit in acne treatment. You mash papaya and apply it your skin. It has a magical effect on skin and treats the acne.

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No, it cant. But it can effect acne.

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Acne creams can have a variety of negative side effects. The most common side effects include symptoms such as redness, skin peeling, skin burning, or any kind of irritation of the skin.

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Anti is a negative pronoun used to say/write that the subject is against something so whatever it is defeats acne or doesn't promote it.

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Prawns are rich in Zinc which I believe is good for acne, pls give it a try, I eat prawns quiet a lot without any effect on my acne, however be sure your not allergic to them.

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Because they raise testosterone/hormone levels which are normally increased in puberty. An effect of the trigger is more oil seeping from the pores which can lead to acne.