

Can i feed my betta fish goldfish food?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes you can feed it to a Betta, but most of it it will not be digestable for a Betta. Bettas are insectivores and need a proper diet made from insects etc. That is why pet shops have special Betta food for sale.

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Q: Can i feed my betta fish goldfish food?
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Can a betta fish eat goldfish food for one day It has already went one day without food my father bought goldfish food instead of betta should i wait until tomorrow or feed it goldfish food tonight?

Yes it can. My beta ate goldfish food for 2 weeks and it was fine.

Can you feed beta goldfish food?

Yes. I fed my goldfish betta food, and he ate it. Hope this helps.

Is it safe to feed goldfish tropical fish food?

Different species of fish have different food requirements. Tropical Flakes are designed to feed a mix of tropical fish species. Goldfish food is a product that has been produced specifically to supply all the dietary needs of a goldfish. So yes goldfish can eat whatever you give them including Tropical fish food but it will not neccessarilly be doing the fish much good though.

Can feeder fish eat betta fish food?

They should be provided with goldfish or pond food instead

Can bettas eat goldfish food?

No. If you feed a betta goldfish food it will give you a look that you will never see again DONT FEED YOUR BETTA GOLDFISH FOOD.YES AND NO. Although the Betta may eat the goldfish food it will not be getting the required nourishment to sustain it properly. Goldfish are omnivorous and the commercial foods developed for them are designed for omnivorous fish. Bettas are insectivores. The commercial foods developed for them to eat were developed to provide the necessary vitamins, roughage and minerals that they require. So the correct answer is. NO!

Will a goldfish eat a betta fish?

I believe that most gold fish eat betta pellet food. My two gold fishes at home eat that and they have been alive for quite a while. So you can try with your gold fish and see if they like it. But if you have gold fish food you should just give them that

Can betta fish eat goldfish food?

No. But goldfish can eat tropical fish food, like bettas can. Do not feed goldfish any food that is for betta fish only.They can, but shouldn't there isn't enough nutrients in the food to keep goldfish healthy. Try flakes or pellets made specifically for goldfish.Not particularly only if the fighting fish is territorial, if so, quickly take the fighting fish out of the tank

How do you make a Betta Fish change colors?

Betta fish change color by there environment and the types of food that you feed it. If your Betta fish is loosing color that means that your Betta is sick.

What will happen if you feed a betta fish tropical fish food?

Nothing. I feed mine tropical flakes! P.S. i have a betta named Frodo lol

What do you do for betta fish constipation?

Feed your betta fish cooked & de-shelled peas for 2 days instead of his/her regular food

Can you feed a clown fish goldfish food?

What kind of goldfish food? If it's fish flakes then definitely! I'm pretty sure you can feed any fish any fish food as long as it's not too big for the fish to actually eat or spiked with poison;)