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Q: Can i substitute sago with semolina in a sago plum pudding?
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What is a sago pudding?

A sago pudding is a milk pudding made from sago, powdered starch obtained from palms and used as a food thickener.

What is pudding starch called?


Can you substitute sago with tapioca starch?


What is a substance used in pudding that contains starch from a tropical plant?

Tapioca or sago. Tapioca comes from cassava (manioc) root and sago comes from the pith of the sago palm.

How do you get sago?

Sago is a type of rice pudding. To cook sago, you bring a saucepan of milk to the boil. Pour in the sago, stir and cook for about 10 to 15 minutes, until the rice is soft. Sweeten to taste and add strawberry jam if desired.

Starchy cereal used to make puddings?

I think it is sago

What can be substitute for sago flour?

I believe it is a good substitute for flour since it is high in carbohydrate [third richest source]. Also the leave are rich in protein.

What is manioc in American culture?

yucca or cassava it's used to make tapioca pudding

My son has homework that asks what might be similar to manioc in your culture?

Deep fried (after boiling or steaming), it can replace fried potatoes, with a distinctive flavour. It is similar to sago and is commonly used to make a milky pudding similar to rice pudding.

What is the pronunciation of sago?


Who is Tyler sago?

you mean "Sago".

What is sago in Malayalam?

Sago in Malayalam is known as "chowari." It is a starchy substance extracted from the pith of various tropical palm trees and is commonly used in traditional Kerala cuisine.