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Q: Can i take fmla when i have all my teeth pulled for dentures?
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Who owns TrueSmile Dentures?

Well true smile dentures is a very important thing. The best dental place is gentle dentle this is great because they look after your teeth. They take good care of children's teeth.

I've had all my teeth removed in the top, i just need two teeth that was broken by another dentist removed and an upper partial. how long will this take?

How long does it normally take for dentures to be made?

who will take payments for dentures?

who will take payments for dentures

Types of Dentures?

Dentures are a type of removable mouth piece used to cover hidden teeth and gum tissues. There are two major types of dentures, partial and complete. Partial dentures are typically used when only some teeth are missing while some of your natural teeth remain. Complete dentures are used when all the teeth are missing.Partial DenturesPartial dentures are developed from a set of replacement teeth attached to a gum-colored plastic mouth piece. The mouth piece is held securely on the gum line using a metal framework that allows the dentures to adhere naturally to the upper and lower jaw. The dentures can become permanent by attaching crowns to the teeth and then using cement to fix the artificial teeth to each crown. This prevents surrounding teeth from moving.Complete DenturesComplete dentures are used once all the teeth are removed from the gum tissues and are partially healed. Conventional dentures can be placed into the mouth 8 and 12 weeks post teeth removal. Immediate dentures can be positioned into the mouth directly after the teeth are removed as they are made in advance. Since the gums begin to shrink during the healing period, a disadvantage of immediate dentures is that they may need adjustments over time.An Alternative to DenturesIf you’re looking for a more natural looking alterative to dentures, dental implants should be considered. The implants can be placed permanently onto existing mouth bridges that are already cemented to the teeth. This eliminates the need for traditional dentures. Although dental implants more expensive, they resemble and feel more like real teeth. If interested, consult your doctor as not everyone is a good candidate for dental implants.How Dentures Are MadeThe denture process may take several appointments and up to a month or more to complete. Once your dental professional determines which type of restoration is right for you, the general steps are to make a series of impressions that fit snug against the jaw line and create models of the position where the dentures will be placed. The fitting may need to be adjusted over time as your gums shrink and teeth move. A final cast will be made and the dentures will be fitted into the mouth. Scheduled visits will be needed to check for placement.

How many days does it take to your teeth to straighten when you have braces on and you just got four teeth pulled out?

8 weeks injoy

What do your eat after 21 teeth are pulled?

pudding ? ... painkillers


As people reach old age, parts of their body start to degenerate. They often lose muscle strength, and their skin becomes much looser. Eyesight and hearing start to diminish. If the person did not take good care of their teeth as a child and adult, dentures may need to be purchased. Teeth are a very important part of the body. They assist in chewing and talking. Without them, people are only able to eat very soft foods and drink. Teeth are made of enamel, but the enamel can fade away. If the person did not brush their teeth well, cavities and plaque may plague the teeth. Cavities are holes in teeth that slowly eat away at the tooth. Plaque is a unwanted buildup of bacteria on the teeth. The dentist should be visited regularly to prevent these dental problems. Correct brushing also helps. As the teeth rot and fall out, replacement teeth are going to be needed. A person who needs dentures will have to visit their dentist. The dentist will evaluate the person’s mouth and decide the best option for the patient. If dentures are the best idea, molds of the mouth will be taken. The molds will be made of clay and cast into plaster. With these plaster representations of the teeth, dentists are able to create a very accurate and fitting set of dentures. The dentures look just like normal teeth. These dentures can be removed though. Dentures are worn all during the day, and they are placed in a cleaning solution at night. The patient will have to take very close and detailed care of their dentures. The dentures are very expensive, due to their custom fitting, and would be extremely expensive to replace. The dentures can be lightly brushed every night to remove any traces of food from previous meals. Different compounds are placed on the gums of the user to ensure a tight grip between dentures and gums. The user will now be able to eat many foods they could not before. The dentures open up a whole new culinary world.

how long does it take to replace my broken dentures ?

How long does it take to replace my broken dentures?

Baby tooths were removed when he was 4 when will they grow back?

Baby teeth will never grow back, once their gone their gone. However, this 4 year old may have earlier adult teeth. These are stronger, but take care of them. For when these Adult teeth are gone, theres no way of getting them back, unless of course you wear dentures or have teeth implants. This however is very expensive, and as a 4 year old, i wouldn't want to be wearing dentures!! So the answer to your question is that, his baby teeth will never grow back, but his Adult teeth will.

What are permanent dentures and are they expensive?

Permanent dentures are more expensive than traditional dentures because they are permanent. You do not take them out.

What can help the healing process of gums after all your teeth are pulled?

Gargle with salt water and take a multivitamin daily.