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Q: Can i use galvanized steel for a moonshine still?
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Is it safe to use galvanized steel in a barbecue pit?

Definitely not! Galvanized when heated will emit toxic fumes.

Which is better for a 250 foot zip line stainless steel or galvanized cable?

Stainless steel is much better than galvanized for use as a zip-line.

How do you use galvanized in a sentence?

The galvanized steel fence has been protecting the property for years.

Can you use galvanized steel for bathroom plumbing?

You can, but it's much easier and cheaper to use PEX.

What precaution required in burning galvanized steel?

Remove the galvanized layer, work in a well-ventilated area or use a good breathing mask.

How do you clean fingerprints off of galvanized steel?

A damp cloth will do the trick

What is the flexural modulus of galvanized steel pipe?

A good number to use is 30,000,000 psi (207 GPa)

What are common material use in piping construction?

if the pipe is structural for erecting a building it will be steel usually galvanized

How do you know if you have copper or steel drinking water pipes?

Galvanized pipe will be silver/gray color. Copper will be copper. Use a magnet, it'll stick to galvanized pipe but not to copper. Drinking water lines should not be black steel pipe.

Which material is better to use in an inground liner pool galvanized steel frame or aluminum frame?

Galvanized steel. It lasts longer and is less affected by chemicals and saltwater if you choose to go that route. I do suggest saltwater. It needs for less maintance than a pure chlorine pool.

What is zinc-coated steel called?

Depending on the method used, it would either be called "zinc plated steel" or "galvanized steel." Use the link below to read more on this method of treating steel to improve its corrosion resistance.

Can you apply paint on galvanised mild steel?

It is possible to apply paint to galvanized steel. It must first be primed with a special primer. You must use a paint designed for this purpose.