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Most labor unions like their monies to go to their states politician because of the things they can do for one another. Its not unheard of but lets face it labor unions and politicians pull fast ones all the time to help each others causes. * Yes.

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Q: Can labor unions in one state contribute to political parties in other states?
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Related questions

Did unions contribute money to US presidents?

Unions often have political action committees that contribute to presidential campaigns.

What is the difference between American and European labor unions?

Oh, in europe, unions do not pretend not to be political parties. In the USA, unions pretend not to be agents of a political party.

Labor unions and corporations contribute to political campaigns?

through their PACs

Do labor unions have any political influence?

Yes they contribute to campaigns

What caused the emergence of trade unions and organized mass political parties in Europe socialists?

Trade unions were caused in europe by the lack of skill necessary to preform most jobs shifted by employment, and political parties were caused by how little a voice the people had in polotics which made them group together and become political parties.

Which American labor organization was least involved in political affairs?

Each of the labor unions contribute what they can based on money that they can earn. Larger parties participate more due to having higher monetary contributions.

Of the following which are allowed to make direct contributions to federal elections?

Corporations/Labor Unions o.O

What were some political changes during the Industrial Revolution?

The industrial revolution was accompanied by the formation of labor unions, which formed or dominated various political parties in democratic nations, won certain rights for unions and workers in general, and generally expanded the franchise (right to vote) more broadly in these nations.

How did trade unions contribute towards political transformation in south Africa?


Examples of federalisim?

is a system of government in which power is divided between a central government and smaller political unions, such as states

How do political parties raise money and how does Congress regulate fund-raising?

Voters, business groups, labor unions, and many other organizations contribute money to the political party that they believe best represents their interests. To limit political contributions, Congress passed the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) in 1972. They also passed the Bipartisan Campain Reform Act (BCRA) in 2002, which revised the contribution limits.

How do political parties raise money and how does congress regulate fund raising?

Voters, business groups, labor unions, and many other organizations contribute money to the political party that they believe best represents their interests. To limit political contributions, Congress passed the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) in 1972. They also passed the Bipartisan Campain Reform Act (BCRA) in 2002, which revised the contribution limits.