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Q: Can loud noises cause ear infections?
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What factors cause damage to hearing?

Prolonged exposure to loud noises such as in a work environment and chronic ear infections will damage your hearing noticeably.

What can damage hearing?

Sudden loud noises. Sound, such as loud music, played over a long period of time can lessen the ear's ability to hear. Infections of the ear that are not treated can also cause hearing loss.

What part of the ear is damaged most easily by continued exposure to loud noise?

the ear drum Answer: Harmful sounds cause damage to the hair cells as well as the auditory nerve

Loud sounds can cause damage to the?

Loud noises can damage the ear drum. Sometimes the cochlea can also be damaged which could cause permanant deafness. Wax in your ear canal can cause temporary deafness

Name two other ways in which hearing can be affected?

it can be affected by loud noises, illnesses, infections, something hitting the ear very hard.

Is permanent damage to your ear due to loud noises?


How can your ear drum be damage?

By listening to loud noises frequently.

How can the hair cells in the inner ear be damaged?

Age, loud noises, repetitive noises, infection.

Can soft sound damage your ear drum?

No only loud noises will damage your ear drum.

Why do loud noises hurt your ears?

because it hurts your ear drum

Can ear infections cause skin rash?

can ear infections cause skin rah?

What causes humming sound like a motor in my ear?

Tinnitus is the cause of a humming sound in the ear. There are several things that can cause tinnitus; ear infections, wax in the ear, hearing loss from loud noises, and Meniere's disease.