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if or went i turn 65 the money put in medicare setback not spended , do i get it back or does medicare keep it?

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Q: Can medicare take some of your comp settlement money?
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Related questions

If you receive a workers comp settlement but owe back taxes will they take your settlement away?

They won't take your settlement away but you should pay some of what you owe on your back taxes. This won't happen automatically.

What are some examples of a structured settlement that a purchaser can buy?

There are different types of a structured settlement that a purchaser can buy. One would be an insurance claim, another would be a workman's comp. claim.

How can one obtain money now for a structured settlement?

One can get some money from a structured settlement by signing some documentation and providing personal information regarding the bank accounts and the way that the money should be moved.

What are some good ways to earn free money at a casino?

A good way to earn free money at a casino is to regularly use a comp card so that the casino can track your progress. The casino wants you to spend lots of money there so using the card allows them to know you are and to assess a comp for your play.

How do you get money out of a structured settlement?

To get money out of a structured settlement, you can either sell your future payments to a buyer in exchange for a lump sum, or take out a loan using your structured settlement as collateral. Be sure to consult with a financial advisor or settlement specialist to explore your options and consider the potential impact on your financial future.

What are some opinions of Jason Williams work from home system?

yes he is keeps your money turbo comp chelthnam keep clear of it

Can a business use workmens comp for a tax deduction?

The workman's compensation is not obligated to the federal or state tax deductions. The business can use the workman's comp given out as a tax deduction and the individual can only attempt a tax deduction if payment has been held for an extended period of time.

What are some advantages of Cigna Medicare?

Some advantages of Cigna Medicare are that one will get affordable, quality benefits to improve ones health and to save ones money. Besides Cigna Medical Group (CMG) has over 25 locations valley to serve one.

Can you file a workman's comp claim for a small settlement for a minor injury due to faulty equipment?

You can file for about anything but your claim may be rejected. The employer should have some idea, otherwise, all you can do is file and find out.

Where can someone sell their structured settlement?

A structured settlement is a court order sum that is considered to be a reimbursement for some type of negligence that has been caused by a company or person. One can sell this settlement in order to expedite the process of getting money, and can be done with companies such as My Structured Settlement Cash or Liberty Settlement Funding.

What does Chevy Trailblazer Medicare offer their clients?

TrailBlazer Medicare is the same to many different Medicare. TrailBlazer Medicare is offering some healthcare with good policies for their customers using the TrailBlazer Medicare.

Was fica deductible?

FICA taxes, which include Social Security and Medicare taxes, are withheld from earnings in most cases. They are not deductible on a federal tax return. You will only see some of that money again when you collect Social Security or Medicare.