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Yes they can. Rodents continually expel urine as they walk - if they happen to walk over human food - it will be contaminated !

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Q: Can mice be contamination to food?
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What does food contamination mean?

spoiled food

What food contamination's is usually associated with undercooked chicken?

Salmonella is the food contamination usually associated with undercooked chicken

Cross - contamination?

When bacteria from one food items gets onto another food item it is called cross-contamination.

What is a food born disease?

disease transmitted by contamination of food

What is the function of gloves in food processing?

Prevent contamination of the food.

What pollutes food?

If you are referring to how food becomes contaminated then there are three types of contamination and two ways in which it can occur. The 3 types of ways food can be contaminated is by Physical Contaminants: Chemical Contaminants: Contamination of food through a chemical based product such as bleach Biological Contaminants: Contamination from microorganisms such as, yeast, parasites, viruses, bacteria and mold The 2 ways in which food can be contaminated is through Direct Contamination: contamination of food from the original place it was produced, ie. salmonella on chicken, Cross-Contamination: when food is contaminated from one food to another through a non-food object. Ie Apple is contaminated because you did not wash your hands( non food object) after cutting raw chicken.

Would detection of EColi in meat be indicative of contamination or spoilage of the product?

Ecoli doesn't develop on food. It reaches food through contamination.

What does cross contamination mean in science?

Cross Contamination is the process of passing bacteria from one place to the other. There are two main types of cross contamination:Direct Cross Contamination (For example: Raw food comes into contact with cooked food)Indirect Cross Contamination. (For example: splashing, chef's cloths or food handlers

What is meant by the term cross-contamination?

Cross Contamination is the process of passing bacteria from one place to the other. There are two main types of cross contamination:Direct Cross Contamination (For example: Raw food comes into contact with cooked food)Indirect Cross Contamination. (For example: splashing, chef's cloths or food handlers)

What do wild newborn mice eat?

Crush mice food or mice pellets

What kind of hazard can human hair pose to food?

Food contamination

How is physical contamination to be preven?

Physical contamination can be prevented by not touching the food with dirty hands and to use clean hands and utensils while touching the food