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During and after miscarriages, your body goes through a lot of hormonal changes. That can set off migraines.

A miscarriage is also cause for acute stress, emotionally and physically, and this can trigger both tension headaches or migraines.

If during a miscarriage your blood pressure shoots extremely high or low, this can cause a headache or trigger a migraine.

Blood loss caused by the miscarriage may cause severe headaches as well, due to anemia and, once again, low blood pressure.

It is important to bring this to the attention of your doctor.

If you are pregnant and begin having severe headaches suddenly, contact your doctor immediately to check if the baby is fine, or that you aren't beginning to experience preeclampsia.

If you had a miscarriage and begin having these symptoms, contact your doctor. There are things he or she can do for you, including: a blood transfusion if necessary, steroids to help stop the headaches and reduce inflammation, migraine medication, pain medication, blood pressure medication, the recommendation of extra iron, prescribing Birth Control pills in the short term.

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15y ago
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15y ago

I don't know if they cause the headaches/migrains. all i do know is that i had a miscarriage last year and since then i keep getting bad headaches/migrains.

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15y ago

Bleeding while pregnant is not a good sign in the first place, it may well be a sign in itself that you miscarried. If you are sure you were pregnant see your obstetrician immediately.

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Q: Can miscarriages cause severe headaches or migraines?
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Do migraine cause you sweat feeling like passing out thistledown severe headache lasting twenty to thirty minute a day?

No. Migraines are characterized as headaches which last 4 hours to several days. If you have headaches which are characterized by coming every day, for a short time, at the same time every day, you may have Cluster Headaches.

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Yes, when you're not breathing properly. You should learn brething techniques to avoit headaches.

What are the treatments for migraine headaches?

Migraines are four times more common in women than in men. Typically onset is at puberty and they typically deminish at menopause. Migraines can but are not always worsened around the two days before and the first two days of menstruation, this causes spasms in the blood vessels at the base of the neck and can be responsible for severe headaches. Low adrenal function and low thyroid can also be the cause of migraines. Natural, bioidentical, transdermal estrogen and prescription strength natural progesterone in olive oil frequently relieves severe hormone related headaches. Unique uses of medications in combination with natural treatments can be very effective in eliminating migraines. A complete laboratory analysis can tell us which of many variables may be causing your migraines and a customized profile utilizing the latest medical advancements will be implemented to resolve migraine reoccurences.

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Migraine headaches have been known to cause neck pain. Neck pain may also precede migraine headaches, thus serving as an indicator of an oncoming attack.

Simple Home Remedies For Migraines?

Migraine headaches can cause excruciating, unilateral pain which may cause throbbing and sometimes nausea and vomiting. Simple home remedies for migraines include taking an anti-inflammatory medication and sleeping it off. In addition, other home remedies for migraines include applying an ice pack to the affected area and lying down in a quiet, darkened room. When pain is severe, however, simple home remedies for migraines may need to be augmented with prescription pain medication.

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