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Q: Can muscle produce mechanical energy into chemical energy?
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How do muscles produce energy?

muscles use chemical energy in glucose , as the bonds in glucose break, chemical energy changes to mechanical energy and the muscle contracts.. well there you go that how you produce mechanical energy :)

How do muscle produce mechaical energy?

Muscles store chemical energy from the food your body broke down, then your muscle turn those chemical energy to mechanical energy when they contract.

How do muscles use mechanical energy?

muscles use chemical energy in glucose , as the bonds in glucose break, chemical energy changes to mechanical energy and the muscle contracts.. well there you go that how you produce mechanical energy :)

When a muscle contracts it performs work It does this by?

When a muscle contracts, it performs work. It does this byA)converting chemical energy to mechanical energy.B)converting mechanical energy into heat energy.C)converting mass into energy.D)creating energy.

What is the most distinguishable characteristic of muscle tissue?

The most distingquishing characteristic of muscle tissue is the ablility to transform chemical energy into mechanical energy.

Describe the conversion of chemical energy to mechanical energy in your body?

We burn energy stored from food in our bonds between atoms. That energy converts into muscle energy to move our bodies.

Trace the energy transformations from a hamburger you eat riding your bike?

It goes from chemical to kinetic.

What energy conversion allows you to get out of bed in the morning?

The same energy conversions that lets us do anything else. We get chemical energy from the food we eat; this is stored in our body until it is converted to muscle energy (mechanical energy).

Does Muscle movement driven by ATP is what type of energy?

Chemical energy creates ATP that allows muscle movement. Chemical energy is released in an chemical reaction that often causes heat.

What does your muscle produce on exercise?

lactic acid. heat energy. kinetic energy. and energy...

When muscles are moving what do they produce?

Muscles convert chemical energy stored in the body to kinetic energy.

What is chemical work within cells powered by?

The contraction of a muscle cell is an example of mechanical work.