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Absolutely ! You're there to work - if someone NEEDS to contact you in an emergency - they can call the company's number. Besides which if the 'phone is not on' - there's no point in you having it on your person, since anyone needing to phone you wouldn't get through !

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Q: Can my employer legally keep me from having my phone on my person even if the phone is not on?
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Can an employer legally record phone conversations in California?

Yes, providing that they comply with the laws governing such activity.

Can We Meet you in an interview?

Interviews can be on the phone or in person. This allows an employer to meet the person they may be hiring and get to know them.

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It would be illegal for an employer or anyone else to tap your cell phone since lawfully there is no law on tapping cell phones. However the technology is readily available for them to tap your cell phone, but they can't legally use it against you.

Does an employer have the right to go though my cell phone?

Is this your personal cell phone, or is it owned by your employer? If the former, NO they have no right. If the latter, it is not YOUR phone, it is THEIR phone, and as such they have the right to inspect the phone.

What age do you have to be to get a phone?

16 years old !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18 years old !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can an employer legally take an employee's phone while the employee is working?

They can't take something that belongs to you, but you should not be making personal calls while on the job. You could be fired for that.

Are most job rejections email or phone?

Each employer is different on how they handle job rejections. If you applied online, you may get an email. If you applied in person, you may get a phone call. It will be different for each person.

Can an employer search a employee's cell phone?

no by law an employer can not search your cell phone unless he or she has a search warrant

Is a quitclaim bill of sale need for purchasing a cell phone from your place of employment?

If you or your employer feel more comfortable having it, ask for one.

Can an employer legally record phone conversations?

== == Not to be generic, but federal, state and even local law may affect this (not legal advise, blah, blah, blah) USUALLY an employer needs to let the employee know that they may record their phone conversations (i.e. verbally, a policy manual, etc.), but again, check the individual law where you live. I concur with the previous answer. You should also know that anyone has a right to record his or her own conversations. Any conversations you have with your employer may be legally recorded. Check company policy and confirm if you have entered into any agreements with your employer to allow such practice. Information may also vary state-to-state.

Can your employer monitor nonpersonal phone calls without your consent?

Yes, absolutely your employer can monitor non-personal phone calls. You automatically give consent by working for the employer because you're doing the work the employer hired you to do.

Is it considered adultery or what when find womens pH?

It is only adultery when a married person has sex with another person. Talking on the phone or having the phone number of another person of the opposite sex does not count.