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for 1 thing you should still eat studies have shown not eating will make you lose weight but will make you very unhealthy, i recommend a food/calorie diary (you can find some great ones online) and exercising a few times a week. little things will work wonders.

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Q: Can one burn more calories by not eating before a cardio workout?
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What will help to burn calories after one bad eating day?

Cardio exercise is a good way to burn off calories.

What cardio diets are available to help runners?

Cardio alone is not a good way to lose weight, you need to change your eating habits and eat healthier. Also you need to take in less calories and burn off more.

What is the best and fastest way to burn some fat?

The best way to lose weight is to do a lot of cardio workout. You should also change your eating habits by cutting down on the sugar and the carbs.

What pre workout meal affect energy levels before a workout?

You should always eating a light and nutritious pre-workout snack before you start your routine. Lance Armstrong has a website that should answer your questions about pre-workout meals:

You have been eating 1100 calories why m i not losing weight?

You need to give a lot more information if you want a real answer. What is your current height/weight/age/sex. How active are you? How long have you been eating that many calories? How many calories were you eating before that? If you are eating 1100 calories of sugar and simple carbs your body will literally consume your muscle to conserve your fat.

How long does it take to get skinny by doing 100 crunches a day?

Doing crunches does not make you skinny. Eating less calories than you burn and being active (cardio exercise) will make you skinny.

How do you burn calories with out eating?

The key to weight lossis to eat and then exercise. You most likely want to eat a good healthy amount of food and then exercise after a half hour. A good idea would be to do cardio and crunches because it helps get the body in shape and it burns a lot of calories.

How long should I wait before I can workout after eating my breakfast or lunch?

There aren't any specifics on whether or not working out after eating is good or bad. However there is always a chance of getting cramps if you have a big meal before.

What is the fastest way to burn calories?

Cardio exercise such as brisk walking, running, jogging, trampolining, cross-country skiing, etc., coupled with healthy eating, is the fastest way. Cardio exercise (or cardio activity), when done correctly, is an excellent fat burner. To learn how to do cardio correctly, and for free cardio exercise plans (an easier plan, a harder plan, or an intense plan) see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions..

If you eat 2000 calories in a week can you loose an inch off you waist?

Do not eat less than 1500 calories a day. You will deprive your body of the things it needs to thrive. A better way to lose an inch off your waist is to workout and watch what you are eating.

Should i be eating a lot of food and do a lot of cardio?

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Is Pasta good before a workout?

Eating pasta, or any other form of 'carbo loading', immediately before a workout does little or nothing to increase the amount of glycogen that you burn for energy during a workout. Eating a large meal immediately before a workout actually can have an adverse affect as your body is dedicating much of its blood and energy to digestion. A small snack 60-90 minutes before a workout is all you really need. If this a routine weight lifting or running workout you should focus on eating healthy, well-balanced meals throughout the week to increase your performance during your workouts. Studies have shown that even eating a large pasta meal the night before an athletic event like a 5K, 10K or triathlon does little in terms of increasing energy levels during a workout. If you are preparing for an event such as these, the best way to go about building your glycogen stores is by eating meals rich in good carbohydrates - whole wheat pasta and grains - in the days leading up to the event. Then the day before and day of the event you can 'top off' your glycogen stores with something like a bagel or whole wheat toast. After any workout, no matter the intensity, be sure to get plenty of protein and carbs to replenish energy lost and muscles broken down during the workout.