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Different blood types do not play a significant role in conception or infertility. The first time a woman is inseminated by a partner, her body may attack thespermatozoa cells as foreign bodies, especially if the tissue type is different. However, over time the body begins to accept the semen as a part of the woman's system. Medical science has even proved that semen administered on a regular basis can help to prevent Preeclampsia and other birth-related problems.

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Q: Can parents with different types of blood have problems baring a child?
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Can baby have any problems if both parents are 0 plus blood type?

Yes, a baby can have problems no matter what blood type.

Can the blood group of parents be different from their child?

yes they can

Can you tell if a kid is yours by parents blood type if the fathers have different?

Certain blood types are not obtainable in offspring when the parents have certain blood types.

If mother and father has AB blood what blood type will the child have?

Most likely, AB. But that doesn't mean it must just happen. The blood group of children is also affected by the blood group their grand parents had. So, if a kid's grand parents had different blood group and his parents had different, then, there are just chances of either of them.

Can a child have a different blood group than that of the parents?


You have 4 daughters one of them has different blood group to the other 3 is this possible with the same parents?

Yes; the child receives a random blood allele from both parents, so unless both parents are type O, AA, or BB, the children can have different blood types

Can a brother and sister from the same parents have different blood group?

Yes, they can.

Can your sister and you have different dads if you have A blood and she has O blood?

It is possible that you have the same fathers, but you could also have different fathers. It really depends on the specifics of your parents' blood types.

Does your ethnicity affect your blood type?

You get your blood type (phenotype) from your parents, each of whom carry their parents blood types (genotype) in their blood. Your ethnicity plays a minor factor because some races tend toward different blood types, but any member of any race can end up with any blood type. Four children of the same parents could all have the different types of blood.

What blood type will the baby have if both parents have different blood types?

The baby will have some combination of the parents blood types. Without more information I cannot give you more specific info.

How can a child's blood type be b positive if mom is b positive and dad is a positive?

You could have several children with different blood types. you get your blood type from either parents or even grand parents.

Can a baby have a different type of blood from the same parents?

No. A kid has to have the bloodtype of its mother or father.