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Yes. It is perhaps the best way to feed your horse as this is what horses evolved to eat. Often pastures provides a horse with adequate nutrients than what hay and grain can provide. It is best if the pasture has several different grasses because this adds to more diversity in tastes and nutrient-intake for your horse, as different species of grasses tend to take up nutrients differently. But, be aware that lush pasture can be detrimental to your horse's health, because of the high nutrient quality that can be equivalent to a "hot" diet if fed too much too often. This can, most commonly, lead to founder.

A horse should either be fed free-choice hay along with their grass diet, especially in the spring time when the grasses are at their growing stage, or only put out to pasture an hour or two at a time. It is best to avoid having horses graze the pasture when the grasses are at their high-growth stage, and only wait until the grasses are around 10 inches in height before you let them out. One horse should have at least 2 acres to graze on, however this really depends on where you live. You may be able to only graze one horse on 10 acres, whereas others 1 acre is quite enough.

Keep a sharp eye for signs of founder, and only let them out for short periods of time during the day, if you can. If you can't be around to put them in after a short period, have them have access to coarser forage like hay to aid in the digestion process. Also exercise them to keep them from gaining weight on such a good quality pasture.

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13y ago

Yes, and if the pasture is large enough and has the right kinds of grass and water, it can supply all of your horses dietary needs. My horses live on only the grass and the water in the ponds in their 9 acre pasture and they are in perfect health.

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Does pasture time give then access to fresh forage on Howrse?

You can place your horse in the pasture in order to give him forage. So long as he stays there long enough to give him the amount that he needs, you will not need to feed him forage from the feed box.

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Ponies tend to gain weight quicker than horses. But, really, it depends on how much pasture they are on and the amount of grain you give them.

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To keep your horse his healthiest, keep him in a pasture or paddock. He should be on around 1-2 acres per horse, and the grass should not be very rich. If the pasture is small (1 acre or less), has little grass to graze, or is full of rich grasses, give the horse with some grass hay to help balance out the rich food, and monitor your horse carefully. Spread the hay all around the pasture, so the horse still has to walk around to get it, as if he were grazing. Not alfalfa or anything else, just plain grass hay. alfalfa is too rich, and rich grasses are very dangerous for your horse for many reasons.

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On a dairy farm, the cows can be seen grazing in the pasture.

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You can increase your horse's morale by feeding, watering, stroking, grooming, riding, an giving him treats. Time spent in the pasture will also raise morale.Feed it an apple, groom it, take care of it, calorific mash, give it water, put it in the pasture. These are just the basic ways to get your horses moral up. You can also breed your horse to raise their morale.

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"I'm not ready to be put out to pasture!" Arthur exclaimed.

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you can:* give it a turnip * put it in the pasture/box for a few hours * stroke it (if you have not already done so) * give it an energy mash if this doesnt work you may have to regenerate your horse with the black orchid. this costs 1 pass.

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A domestic horse will eat whatever he is fed for breakfast. He needs to be fed early if you plan to ride that day. If he is going for a hard ride, you might want to load him up on plenty of honey oats and hay. If you are not going for a ride, or, only a light ride, then you would lighten up on the oats give blended grains and hay. Always remember plently of fresh water. A horse needs to have fresh clover/grass, pasture available to eat during the day and then, depending on weight and scheduled activity for the next day you, might just feed light blended grains and hay for the night

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If on Howrse your horse has worms you have to treat it with deworming medicine (blue bottle). You will have to buy it in the market. To STOP your horse getting worms you have to give it preventive worming treatment (brown bottle) from the market. also it is advisable to make sure your horse is in a EC with clean pasture and box Hope this helps

How often do you give your horse clean water?

Daily!! if more! they need to drink a LOT of water, especially if you ride them lots during horse days. try to give them more than a bucket or so a day. have fresh clean water available