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Q: Can penicillin tablets cure a stye?
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Does penicillin cure trcih?

Penicillin does not cure trichomoniasis. You have to go for metronidazole or tinidazole or satronidazole for that.

Does penicillin cure burning?

Penicillin doesn't cure burns but is recommended to avoid infections.

Why does penicillin cure tuberculosis?

Penicillin does not cure tuberculosis. But you have very good drugs for tuberculosis.

Has penicillin helped cure cancer?

Penicillin is effective against secondary infections of cancer. It is no cure for cancer.

Can penicillin cure tb?

Penicillin is ineffective against tuberculosis.

How is penicillin addmidistered?

Penicillin comes in tablets, intravenous solutions and intramuscular injections.

Do penicillin cure trick?

No it does not

Can you take hydro cortisone tablets if allergic to penicillin?

Yes, there is no penicillin in hydrocortisone tablets (Cortef). Allergic reaction to cortisone is very rare.

How are penicillin tablets made?

sprem and thar

Is there any penicillin in nise tablets?

Yes ! There is

Will tablets cure you?
