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Q: Can pygmy corys be kept with a betta sorority?
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How long before you can put betta fish together?

Male Bettas can not be kept with any other members of the Betta family. They can be kept with other species quite safely but will not tollerate another Betta (male or female) in their vicinity. Female Bettas can be kept together OK.

Can betas live with guppy's?

No. Male bettas can be kept in community aquariums, but should not be kept with fish that look anything like they do, or are small enough to eat. A male betta will mistake a guppy for another betta and kill it. Female bettas, however, can be kept with other "betta-like" fish without a problem.

How much does a betta fish last?

A betta fish can last 2 - 5 years if kept in a tank with proper conditions.

Why did male Betta get beat up when put him back in the tank with the three females after he was done taking care of his fry he is ripped up pretty bad huge chunks out of fins HELP?

Female Betta's can be kept in 'sororities', but cannot be kept with males. Betta's have naturally aggressive dispositions, and should NOT be kept with other aggressive fish.

Omega and upsilon that is located on the ivy leaf which is the sorority pin not a chapter means what in alpha kappa alpha sorority?

If you would like to find out, become a member of the alpha kappa alpha sorority..Otherwise this information will be kept CONFIDENTIAL..

Can a baby Oscar and a betta be kept together?

A betta is best as a solitary fish and it would be better to remove it from your main tank and give it a small tank to itself. You can buy very inexpensive betta tank kits for one betta.

Can you take your betta fish to school?

i have before. and i just kept them in a class room

Are betta fish aggressive?

Yes.yes.very aggressive.they have to be kept alone or it'll fight with others.

How old was the oldest betta fighting fish?

No one knows. There have been no records kept.

What temperature should bettas fish be kept at?

Betta fish should be kept in water 72-82'F(22-28'C).

What other fish can live in the same tank with a puffer fish?

Well usually puffers are kept in species tanks but puffers can tolerate corys or smaller plecos but only with some puffers e.g amazon puffer or pygmy puffer or figure of 8 puffer wheras a congo puffer will eat pretty much any other fish in its tank .... Also puffers are fin nippers so no long fined fish or fantailed fish

What are some relaxing freshwater fish to watch that can be kept in a ten gallon tank that get along with Betta fish?

Any fish that does not have long fins. p.s. i have a betta named Frodo lol