

Can quitting smoking decrease your body weight?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Whether you gain body weight or not is up to you. Typically, smokers who quit have a tendency to put on weight. It's not that the smoking has anything to do with it directly, it's just that the smoker needs something to do to replace the actions of the mouth and hands. In stead of picking up a cigarette, they will pick up food. Usually, some type of candy, chocolate, nuts, or anything they can get to keep their mouth and hands busy. If you can get that under control, you can control the weight.

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Q: Can quitting smoking decrease your body weight?
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Stop smoking, concentrate on nutrition and exercise, and get plenty of rest. These things will not only help you overcome the depression that sometimes accompanies quitting, but they will also help keep you from gaining weight and assist your body in recovering overall.

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Now that you have quit smoking what can you do to avoid eating?

You desire to eat after quitting because one of the effects of smoking/nicotine is appetite suppression. Eating is important more so of vegetables, fruits and other nutritious foods to help your body recover. What most people dislike is the weight gain associated with quitting smoking.There are natural herbs that you can use to cleanse your system. These will also help with your eating control. Some people keep bags of fresh fruit supplies. This is better than eating fast foods etc. Fruits always does something positive to your body without giving you any/much weight.

What help is at hand to help you quit smoking?

Overcoming nicotine craving is one of the main challenges you face when hoping to quit smoking. There are various smoking cessation aids available manufactured to help you achieve your goal much easier and quicker. Nicotine replacement therapy works by supplying your body with a small dose of nicotine to help reduce withdrawal symptoms. It comes as a patch, gum, inhaler, spray and tablet. You can also quit smoking with the help of a "quitting stick". The NHS also offers a "Quit Kit" to guide users step by step through the quit smoking process. It provides you with information on how to overcome cravings and potential weight gain, a common side effect of quitting smoking.

What happens to body weight if energy expenditure is intake equal?

Body weight decrease if energy intake and expecture is the same due to the internal body metabolism .

How do nicotine gum and the nicotine patch help smokers quit smoking?

You would need to eat 9 pieces per day, for the fist weeks. Then you gradually reduce the # until your body doesnt want it anymore! I got this answer at: www. There's no way around it, quitting sucks. In fact, it's one of the hardest things you'll do in life. That's why quitting can be a challenge. To be successful, you need to overcome both your physical addiction to nicotine and your psychological addiction - the urge to repeat the same smoking routines every day, like smoking in the car and after meals. Nicorette® understands that every smoker is different and that quitting smoking isn't just about fighting cravings. It's about understanding your personal triggers and changing your habits over time. That's why we offer a customizable stop-smoking plan. Nicorette Committed Quitters® gives you the solutions and resources you need to change all your smoking behaviors so you can finally become the ex-smoker you really want to be. Along with Nicorette,® it's the total quitting system that can double your chances of successfully quitting smoking. Sure, quitting will always suck, but Nicorette makes quitting suck less.

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Quitting Smoking and the Patch?

For many people, quitting smoking seems like an impossible feat. Nicotine is arguably the most addictive widely-available substance that exists. If you can't go cold turkey, then trying the nicotine patch might be a good solution. The patch, which looks and feels like a Band-Aid, releases nicotine into your body through your skin. This significantly reduces your body's nicotine cravings, thereby reducing your desire to smoke.

How Does smoking affect weight loss?

Smoking does it affect weight loss, when smoking you produce more stress when it seems that you might be losing stress...your not!.. with the stress, it affects your body, you don't have enough breath and air that it HURTS when you exercise, you lose breathe instantly, smoking affects your lungs and your lungs are a big part of exercising and weight loss, you need air to lose weight basically...if your smart, you should know....................Smoking Kills![say no to the SMOKE!!]Smoking