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Yes,Roosters have been known to breed with any kind of hen.

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Q: Can roosters breed with any kind of hen?
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What rooster can you breed to a white leghorn hen?

All roosters are males so they don't lay eggs this is true for any breed of poultry

A rooster is what kind of animal?

A chicken. Roosters= male chickens Hen= female chickens

Are Hen dangerous?

If the hen has chicks it will be aggressive towards you or roosters are dangerous towards other male roosters.

What kind of roosters have feathers that stand up on their head?

Sounds like possibly a Polish hen or a Silkie

What is the opposite gender of roosters?

a hen

Can a bantam rooster fertilize another breed of hen?

Yes, it can be done but the bantam rooster may have trouble mounting the standard hen. Bantam roosters are gregarious and often present themselves as the "boss" bird. Many standard hens will assume the mating position close to the ground thus enabling the bantam rooster to mount the saddle area on the back of the hen. From this position the rooster must be large enough to touch cloaca to cloaca in order to deliver the sperm packet.

What kind of tails do roosters have?

i have 8 chickens there comb has not come out yet i have 3 chickens with long tails which ones is a roster or hen.

Why the hen is cock?

Hens are female: Cocks (or roosters) are male. Thus a hen cannot be a rooster.

If you have two roosters and a hen laying eggs could the chicks come from both roosters or just the alfa?

chicks could come from both roosters as the hen stores sperm and releases it drop by drop as each egg is ready for fertilisation

What are the similarities of hen and roosters?

Both are chickens.They both have feathers.

Will a buff orpington rooster mate with a white leghorn and what will the chick look like?

Unless your rooster is extremely choosey, yes, absolutely. Most roosters will be more than happy to mate with pretty much any breed of hen, unless the size difference is too great. However, in a big enough flock, most roosters will have favorites, and will usually (try to) mate with them a bit more than the others, though he will almost certainly mate with the other hens as well, unless there are just too many. In that case, it would be good to get a second rooster.

How do roosters show a hen their interested?

it's commonly known that roosters flaunt their feathers and make loud noises. this attracts a female.