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yes because it has happened to me but it isn't really burning it kind of stings

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Q: Can saliva cause burn on lips from drooling?
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yes it does because the saliva,when touches the lips change colour

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Yes, you can it is not highly recommended though, as it could cause backlash and burn your mouth and your lips.

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I think it is your enzymes from your saliva.

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tongue, teeth, lips, saliva glands, palate

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Yes & no. HIV/AIDS is rarely (if ever) transmitted through kissing; when it does occur it probably relates to open sores on the lips or in the mouth that allow exposure to blood, not just saliva.

What makes your lips feel warm to the touch itch and burn?

If your lips are warm you may have a fever and that means you may have an infection. If they itch and burn you may be having and allergic reaction to something irregular you ate or a pepper or something hot may be making your lips burn but if they are itching and burning it is most likely and allergic reaction.Tay Tay Rules

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Scratching can indeed cause swollen lips. This is likely because there is a great irritation that is not normally there.

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it can burn us and give us skin cancer. We can burn our eyes, skin and lips