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Well, it depends on their size. From what I've heard, you can put one inch of fish into a tank per gallon, so: 5 one inch fishes of 1 five inch fish etc. It doesn't matter about the fish unless some are aggressive and the others are not.

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Q: Can seven neon tetras and three guppies live in a 20 gallon tank?
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Would it be ok to keep 5 neon tetras in a ten gallon tank or is that not enough room for them to swim around... they will be with a few other gentile fish 3 guppies and 2 cories?

That should be plenty of room, the general rule of thumb is one gallon of water for every inch of fish, though with very social fish like tetras, I think you can go over that a bit with no problems. Neon tetras can not live alone. Three is minimum, five is better.

Can you have six guppies in a three gallon tank if you do frequent water changs it has a filter and a heater?

Its not recommended to do that, but guppies are very hardy fish. So if you were to make sure not to over feed, and to clean the tank frequently, then yes you could keep 6 guppies in a 3 gallon tank.

Could you please tell me honestly not in just one word could you keep three guppies two corydoras catfish and five neon tetras in a ten gallon tank and if so what can I do to keep it all running?

The rule is 1 inch per gallon in freshwater fish. 5 neon tetras (7 and 1/2 gallons) 2 catfish (5 gallons) 3 guppies (3 gallons) that is 15 and 1/2 gallons worth of fish in a 10 gallon tank. You are 5 and 1/2 gallons overstocked. You are going to have to do 25-50% water changes weekly, you will need a wet/dry filter (one that sits on the the back of the tank out of the water). You will need a heater keeping the tank 78-80 degrees. You will also need a test kit to watch the parms of the water, that should be done with every water change. If you have male and female guppies expect them to reproduce monthly. You will also need food for the fish and water dechlorinor such as Prime. An a hood for the tank with light. It wouldn't hurt to have some hiding places for the smaller fish they will be very nervous.

Can a loach clown live in a tank with a tetra and a guppie?

In my 20 gallon aqaurium I have three neon tetras and a clown loach which have been togethor for a few months now. So far they have not bothered each other so it would work out if it is a small clown loach and you have other fish in the aquarium as well.

Can you put 1 male betta with two neon tetras in a 1.5 gallon tank?

1.5 Gallon? That is a small tank even for a betta and two neon tetras. A typical rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per gallon of water, so you should only have 1.5 inch of fish. A betta is 2 inches or more, so the neons would be asking for trouble. Both type of fish are great, so my advice would be to get a bigger tank and put them together. Neons are schooling fish and would like to be in groups of three or more.

Which fish get on well with guppies?

Well in my tank, ive got 5 guppies (2 male 3 female) 5 neon tetras (will nip bigger fishes tails if not fed properly) 1 golden swordtail and a Mandy so those other three types of fish will get on well! :P But ask your local pet shop just to be sure. P.S U can't put in Bala Sharks they will nip the tails :P

Do you need a five-gallon tank for a few guppies or would a one-gallon bowl be good enough?

GuppiesWell, it depends on how many guppies you have. A one gallon should be fine for up to three guppies. Just be sure that they are all of one sex! AnswerWell, for each inch of a fish you need atleast 1 gallon. Big I know, but don't forget fish can grow. So during that growing period you will have to buy more and more fish. So, you should just buy a 10 gal tank for 5 guppies, and the minimum amount of fish you need for guppies since they are "community fish" is 5. That's what I did and that's what many sites online have told me to do. You could also ask one of your pets store's employees around the fish area and they will tell you all you need to know. Just make sure you get a good helping of plants and hiding areas for them. Good Luck with your fish.

What is half of three fourths of a gallon?

It is three eights of a gallon.

We've just bought some guppies and three have had their tails bitten off and have died we have tetras endlers silver dollars and loach does anybody know who the culprit might be?

The nippers are the Silver Dollars. They are renowned for it. They also grow to VERY LARGE (over 12 inches long) so they need a big tank.

What are three egg laying tropical fish?

neon tetras barbs cory catfish

What fish and critters can I put in a 27 gallon tank with guppies?

You can add Guppies, Mollies,Neon tetras, algae eaters,sword tails,and African water frogs (also known as African clawed frogs, but they don't claw the fish)to name a few.If you do add an African water frog, be sure to have a lid on your tank. To add flair, you can add mystery snails, clams or ghost or cherry shrimp. You can also put an angelfish or angelfish pare, but to be on the safe side, don't put anything to small in with it because any fish that has a mouth big enough to eat another smaller fish will usually eat it. Fish do all have their own unique personalities though, so if you get a shy angel he might not bother smaller fish. angels can get 7-8 inches long and 10 inches tall.If you plan to get mystery snails, don't add a clown loach because they will snack on the snails.

How can you measure exactly 7 gallons using a 5 gallon jug and a 3 gallon jug?

you can measure exactly 7 gallons using a five gallon jug and a three gallong jug by using one five gallon jug and 2/3 of the three gallon jug to equal seven gallons total. That is what I think for being 11 years old. by of course JACIE <3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!